Melbourne/Vic Melbourne Mini 2021 - CANCELLED

Event details

Event date
Saturday, Jul 17, 2021 Saturday, Jul 17, 2021
Registration deadline
Thursday, Jul 15, 2021
Maximum guests
Username Guest count Note
djgra79 djgra79 1 Spoiler content hidden.
Kotche Kotche 1 Spoiler content hidden.
C Croydon Lights 1 Spoiler content hidden.
thewanderingpine thewanderingpine 1 Spoiler content hidden.
abundy abundy 1 Spoiler content hidden.
B Brett Greenland 2 Spoiler content hidden.
C christophe 1 Spoiler content hidden.
M mikey 2
B Brendan22 1
andrewa andrewa 1
cdjazman cdjazman 1


My name is Graham & I love flashing lights!
Global moderator
Dec 27, 2011
Cranbourne West
15/7/21 UPDATE: Due to latest lockdown for Melbourne, we have to unfortunately cancel this event. Apologies for the inconvenience.

With many thanks to @mikey we have secured a location for the 2021 Melbourne/VIC mini, details below:

Date: Saturday 17th July 2021 (note, this is a one day event this year)
Time: 9am-5pm You may come a little earlier if you wish to setup any props you may have
Location: Sandringham College Theatre, Holloway Road, Sandringham. Entry via gate 3
Cost: $10 per person

If you are planning to attend, please use the RSVP function above, including your First Name so we can provide name tags upon entry :)

The venue is a school theatre and we are thinking of holding a split room setup, the main theatre stage as the medium to advanced group and a 2nd room (probably foyer) as a beginners room where any and all newbies are welcome to ask as many (what they might consider) dumb questions as they like.
These events are held to help share knowledge no matter what level or experience you have had previously, so don't feel like you will get left behind. This is your chance to get up close and personal with the actual hardware (or bring along your own to discover how it works for your setup) and gain heaps of tips & tricks from all aspects of the hobby.

That said, if there are specific topics people would like to know more about, please comment in this thread and we can build a rough guide for the day.
Also looking for volunteers to help facilitate any talks. We don't expect this to be a full day of sit down presentations, but we can do so if its better to convey the topics as required.
Also if anyone is able to assist with some background organisation please let me know.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
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I'm in. Happy to help and present also.
I'll also bring down goodies and have some as door prizes.
Does "Happy to help" also include car pooling with another individual from Bendigo (pending approval to attend, given it's my son's 8th birthday)???
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Does "Happy to help" also include car pooling with another individual from Bendigo (pending approval to attend, given it's my son's 8th birthday)???
I reckon it'd have to.
Thanks everyone who has RSVP'd so far, good to see a mix of familiar and new names :)

Just putting the call out for assistance in reaching out to suppliers/vendors for raffle prizes. If you have a good relationship with a vendor and would like to assist, please send me a PM and we can get started. The sooner we start the less we have to rely on Aus Post etc delays in getting the items ready :)

Thanks in advance.
2 weeks later and no more posts is a little sad to see, but the RSVPs have climbed a little so there is obviously interest to have a mini.
Minis are a great way to share and learn knowledge, and a great social activity where we can share some yarns and a bite to eat, everyone is very friendly and patient, regardless if you are brand new to the hobby or a 10+ year veteran.

But this needs to be a group effort, and so far only 4 people including myself have indicated they are happy to present a topic.
Whilst I don't necessarily want to schedule a full day's roster of Powerpoint presentations, we at least need to know what topics people are interested in hearing or discussing. Is there a video or topic that doesn't quite "click" for you yet that you want more info on? let us know below.

By all means bring along your builds to show off or ask questions about, or if you have any setup or sequencing questions bring along your laptops and/or controllers and we can help troubleshoot.

And yes, we will have prizes, not that you need more reasons to turn up :)

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Prizes for the best blinkiest dressed?
I am happy to present a Lessons Learnt to Help the newbies out there and the things Ive learnt over the years within the Hobby. As for raffle prizes maybe reachout to the key sequence suppliers see if they can offer us some stuff, I know LDL in the Tassie mini had heaps offered.
Thanks Brett that would be a great topic to cover. As for prizes I have already reached out to a number of vendors.
I am happy to do a presentation or two. I can do an electronic basics, soldering tips, 5v vs. 12v (I'll bring padded sticks so people don't get hurt ;-) ), power injection. Just don't ask me to present on xLights or FPP, I'm about 18mths behind and needing to catch up soon.
I am happy to do a presentation or two. I can do an electronic basics, soldering tips, 5v vs. 12v (I'll bring padded sticks so people don't get hurt ;-) ), power injection. Just don't ask me to present on xLights or FPP, I'm about 18mths behind and needing to catch up soon.
Don't worry about padding the stick. The bigger and harder the stick is the more likely it is that the 12V people will have it sink in.