Hi all,
This is still a work in progress but I’m happy with the results and would like to share some of what I’ve been playing with.
Some of you would have seen these items at the Brisbane Mini but unfortunately I was unable to attend due to my little fall and they weren’t operational.
I have 2 animated props on the go at the moment, One for Halloween and one for Christmas. The first one is a Skull that is mounted on a body. He is a completely stand alone motion activated prop. Here’s what I come up with.
I purchased the skull from anatomy warehouse for about $25 for a forth quality one. BARGAIN.
The instructions for installing the servos into this exact skull are here.
Bucky video alternate download
The electronics for him consisted of 3 boards. The first 2 were to produce the audio and mouth movement and the 3rd one is to control his neck movement.
Board 1
Audio Board.
This Board from Cowlacious_Designs is basically a flash mp3 Player which can be triggered to play a single mp3 file once every time it’s triggered OR it can even play a different mp3 file each time it’s triggered which is the way I use it. When anyone walks past him he comes alive and sings a different song or tells a joke. I find it a bit better then just saying the same thing over and over again.
Board 2
Servo Driver Board
This Board also from Cowlacious_Designs is the second one in the group it takes Audio from any source (I’m using the 1st board for my input) and converts it to signal to drive a RC servo to create the mouth movement on the skull.
Board 3
LOR servo dog
This Board from LOR is used to move his neck servos. It’s capable of controlling up to 8 servos. My Servo dog board has a programmed 30 second sequence loaded into its memory and is triggered by a motion sensor to start its operation. It is currently only connected to 2 servos which control his head nod and tilt action a third servo will be installed to also get him to look left and right.
Well eventually this guy will get a neck and his own song.Alternate video Link
This is still a work in progress but I’m happy with the results and would like to share some of what I’ve been playing with.
Some of you would have seen these items at the Brisbane Mini but unfortunately I was unable to attend due to my little fall and they weren’t operational.
I have 2 animated props on the go at the moment, One for Halloween and one for Christmas. The first one is a Skull that is mounted on a body. He is a completely stand alone motion activated prop. Here’s what I come up with.
I purchased the skull from anatomy warehouse for about $25 for a forth quality one. BARGAIN.
The instructions for installing the servos into this exact skull are here.
Bucky video alternate download
The electronics for him consisted of 3 boards. The first 2 were to produce the audio and mouth movement and the 3rd one is to control his neck movement.
Board 1
Audio Board.
This Board from Cowlacious_Designs is basically a flash mp3 Player which can be triggered to play a single mp3 file once every time it’s triggered OR it can even play a different mp3 file each time it’s triggered which is the way I use it. When anyone walks past him he comes alive and sings a different song or tells a joke. I find it a bit better then just saying the same thing over and over again.
Board 2
Servo Driver Board
This Board also from Cowlacious_Designs is the second one in the group it takes Audio from any source (I’m using the 1st board for my input) and converts it to signal to drive a RC servo to create the mouth movement on the skull.
Board 3
LOR servo dog
This Board from LOR is used to move his neck servos. It’s capable of controlling up to 8 servos. My Servo dog board has a programmed 30 second sequence loaded into its memory and is triggered by a motion sensor to start its operation. It is currently only connected to 2 servos which control his head nod and tilt action a third servo will be installed to also get him to look left and right.
Whats this got to do with CHRISTMAS?
Well eventually this guy will get a neck and his own song.