Dedicated elf
2014 PROJECT, Spiral North Poles
Dave Pitts and I are making 20 each of the Coroplast Pixel Spiral North Pole display elements that Ben (HelenaGuy) created. The method of making them is described here
Here is a video of them in action:
Ben made 7, dpitts and myself will make 40. First we need to cutout 440 4" disks from plywood and drill a 1 1/2" hole in each.
it takes 11 disks per pole
440 4" disks
440 1 1/2" holes added into each disk
cut 9 of the 11 disks in half and then glue to a 36" long 1" PVC pipe
Each pole uses 48 pixels from the 150 pixel ws2811 12v flex strip. you get 3 poles per 5m strip. So we need 14 ws2811 flex strips, each cut into thirds.
I dont like plywood to be bare in my display elements so i am dipping them in KillZ primer.
Now you get the title, doughnuts for our light display.
2013 PROJECT, Yard Borders
Last year I made 200' of yard borders using the method that dave pitts designed and richm refined.
You can see the borders in this video
Instructions how to build yard borders are located here,67.0.html
2012 PROJECT, 9' Nutcrackers
3 years ago my big project was two 9' tall Nutcrackers made from Home depot supplies.
Instructions for those are here:
When I get time, i am also working Papgayo, Single Strand, Custom Models, Bugs for xLights/Nutcracker
Dave Pitts and I are making 20 each of the Coroplast Pixel Spiral North Pole display elements that Ben (HelenaGuy) created. The method of making them is described here
Here is a video of them in action:
Ben made 7, dpitts and myself will make 40. First we need to cutout 440 4" disks from plywood and drill a 1 1/2" hole in each.
it takes 11 disks per pole
440 4" disks
440 1 1/2" holes added into each disk
cut 9 of the 11 disks in half and then glue to a 36" long 1" PVC pipe
Each pole uses 48 pixels from the 150 pixel ws2811 12v flex strip. you get 3 poles per 5m strip. So we need 14 ws2811 flex strips, each cut into thirds.
I dont like plywood to be bare in my display elements so i am dipping them in KillZ primer.
Now you get the title, doughnuts for our light display.

2013 PROJECT, Yard Borders
Last year I made 200' of yard borders using the method that dave pitts designed and richm refined.
You can see the borders in this video
Instructions how to build yard borders are located here,67.0.html
2012 PROJECT, 9' Nutcrackers
3 years ago my big project was two 9' tall Nutcrackers made from Home depot supplies.
Instructions for those are here:
When I get time, i am also working Papgayo, Single Strand, Custom Models, Bugs for xLights/Nutcracker