New member hello and a question about bypassing an MF LED controller


New elf
Dec 30, 2022
Hi everyone! I'm brand new here, so please forgive me if I'm posting this in the wrong forum for this question... I'll delete and re-post if that is the case.

I am trying to modify a LED controller so the lights are always on - no flashing or fading etc. I read though the excellent wiki on the subject hosted here, but my controller is not any of the ones listed there. The box it came in says it's a "Phimax" led strip and it appears be to be 3 wire. It's the type you have to press a button 8 times (argh!) to get the lights to be always on.

There are no markings on the circuit board other than an "803A" on the board holding the "CPU". The circuit runs on 220v and there's not much on the board, just 2 PCR 606a transistors, 4 diodes, a couple of resistors and a 33uF 35v capacitor. I attached some pics to the post. I'm happy to provide more photos and details as needed.

Any help would be appreciated as the flashing lights every time I turn the strip on is driving me bonkers. Thank you!

David_AVD, thank you so much for the tip! It worked perfectly! It's so nice to finally have that led strip solid on. I really appreciate the help. Hope you have a wonderful New Years!