New power distro on the way


I love blinky lights :)
Community project designer
Dec 27, 2010
I've just completed my 1st board layout for 2018. It's another power distribution board along the lines of the Falcon F-8 distro and a few other but with features that far exceed what is currently on offer. When building my mega tree last year I realised that there was a need for a power distro board beyond what was available and I had a cunning plan as to some features that are handy and aren't on offer. Watch this space for further info. It will be a few weeks until I've had some blank pcbs made and get them loaded and tested.
The 1st teaser info is that this board will be 60A rated compared to F-8 distro and others.That means 1000 pixels at full brightness can be powered from the 1 board.
cool looking for to seeing details on this
btw got my order today many thanks
What will the individual outputs be rated at? I find the F8's don't push enough amps for my needs.
What will the individual outputs be rated at? I find the F8's don't push enough amps for my needs.
60A per board. Total for 4 outputs is 30A. Any individual output is 10A. I could have gone to an individual output current of 15A but the pigtails normally used are rated to either 5A or 7.5A.
Soldermask is yellow and no voltage and current display. Have contemplated voltage though.
I've loaded up some of the boards but work has got in the way of testing.
The features of the new "Power8" are 2 30A inputs, 8 fused outputs, power leds on the 2 inputs, fuse blown leds on 8 outputs and a null buffer as part of the 8th output. There is effectively a passthrough null with fusing as the 8th output. It uses mini fuses with a maximum of 10A for any fuse. The 2 power inputs can be the same or different voltage up to 24VDC.
Pcb size is 97x49mm (3.8x1.9").
No idea on pricing yet until I go through testing and price components in bulk.IMG_20190201_205448.jpg
The proto boards that I made up are now available for sale for anyone wanting to save $5. 2 mistakes were made when I laid out the pcb. Seems that Gnd and GND are interpreted as 2 different nets as were +v and +V. That's what I get for using notepad to create a netlist rather than drawing up a schematic and creating 1 from that. I also added a component to provide predictable performance if the inbuilt null pixel buffer didn't get used.

Sometime in the next few days I'll draw up a bit of a user manual or at least a few pics showing typical connection options. The board is basically designed to power up to 1000 pixels but it can be used in other ways.

Production boards should be available around 21-Feb-2019 for $35 each with bulk discounts available.