New use for coro

bit concerned about the "goodsky" item sounds like something from Russia
David, if we pre-order your new upcoming book, "101 uses for Coro"; do we get autographed copies??? I hear rumors that the front and back cover are ACTUALLY made of Coro.

BTW, while he was reading this and letting it go to his head... I secretly replaced his toilet seat with a Coro seat complete with 20 smart rgb pixels. Just wait until he sits down...
AAH said:
Pixel, dumb rgb or incandescant to illuminate the coro is the question that needs to be asked ;)

P2 + 1360 pixels, to refresh you every time you open the fridge in a flash of brillance and inspiration before you quench your thirst or feed your hunger?
remoteutah said:
I was just letting Tammey look at this thread. Here is her input:

Coro tampons - with red flashy blinky.... kinda as a warning - Stay Away

ummmmm......... I can only assume three things here. 1. Tammey might be in need of some professional mental health assistance, 2. thats gotta hurt, 3. doubt it will actually provide the assistance a normal tampon would.
Thanks DA for finding this thread again. I couldn't find it.


Coro can make your house into a giant video screen