New Web Site


Apprentice elf
Apr 9, 2013
Orlando, FL. USA
Dear Fellow members, months ago I was looking for information regarding Christmas lighting. Last year was my first attempt and I just started with 2 LOR Units, I can't complain of the results. However looking for a better light show I just found a great Web Site with a huge forum and a lot of topics and a nice and warm chat (Of course i'm talking about
To be honest without this forum and guidance from you all I wouldn't improve myself about mi Christmas lights addiction problem . Now thanks to you guys I am able to build a matrix, mega tree, coro canes, anything I want now.
The reason for this post is because I just found out couples of weeks ago that i`m the first person using RGB lights for Christmas decoration, and even a sequencer is a unknown tool here at Venezuela (Only showbiz companies knows about it). I want to start a new web site like but in Spanish version, just to spread my addiction.
At the very beginning I would translate some of the content of this forum. i.e. 101 Christmas lights manual and some other stuff with valuable information.
In any case, if you guys accept my proposal I will always keep the link to this site and always will indicate the author for any material translated. Also, I would like to indicate in my web site that we are related to

rvenegas, With that web page idea you have, you look like you want to start a very demanding, time consuming project.....It is not gonna be a piece of cake... It is gonna keep your nose to the grind stone. A web site as you want to do will really need a few people to make it stay in operation... You need to really think hard before you start it & then not be able to keep it going... It will also have some $$$ cost to it...
Just some feelings from an old fart that has been around the block a few,
Good luck....
I would think that ACL has been a few years in the making & has many people involved to keep it working. It has a wealth of information that has been collecting for a long time & that is one of the things that make this site so great.
I don't know what it cost to keep it on the web, but can be asured there is a cost with it that one person cannot do on their own.
You may consider chatting with the different people here that are involved in it's operation(Administrator, moraters, etc.) & find out some of the ends & outs of a site like this...
This will give you a better ide of what you will be up against....
Well.. the cost wouldn't be a problem, I still have space available in the web server I rented, so I just need to pay for domain (inexpensive).
I agree with you, it takes a lot of time to build and keep running a web site like this , I would try to recruit some people to help me with web design and administration. Also it will take some time, i'm realistic about I will need at least 6 months to have it running.