New ws2811 strip issues


Senior elf
Dec 24, 2011
Botanic Ridge
Ive replaced some of my roof lines with some new strip purchased from Ben Brown.
Every time I replaced a section,It would work ok on the ground then fail when put back up on the roof.
So after some testing Ive worked out that the strip works OK straight from a controller (P2 in this case) however If I plug it in anywhere in my run , ie being fed from older strip, it fails?? plug it back into the controller and it works fine?
Am I missing something here? Has anyone else had similar issues.
1/2 my roof depends on this?
are you sure it's ws2811 strip and not ws2813 strip that has the backup data line running through it? I got some ws2813 from Ben earlier in the year (Specifically asked for ws2813) in the hope I could just use it but my sandevice controller didn't like it, however having 50 ws2811 nodes before the strip I could get it to run, so it would seem the signal isn't quite the same for the ws2811 and ws2813.

Just a thought.
Not sure but if your in need of strip, let me know I have spare rolls of a few different types that might help you out. Wanting to come see your display anyway sometime soon, so would be a good excuse.

The issue with the 2811, 2812 family of chips is that there are many clones. These are bought at market due to price and many times these could be seconds from a factory or a clone that may not be exactly the same. Ive seen this before in the early days using the 6801 chip
I had some issue with 2811 strip this year also. Seems to be very feeble at passing signal to next strip. I used mine on spiral trees, and would not pass the signal 3 metres to the next tree. I had to put a null pixel in the middle. The Ray Wu stars were even worse, and I gave up on them.
Yeah I have 12 rolls of the crap, all from Ben Brown and none of it works in conjunction with any of my existing strip.

How many rolls can you spare Rowan? I haven't been able to run my display yet as I have no roof section?
What format you looking for?

I have:-
5v 30/30 black ~4 rolls
12v 30/10 black ~2 rolls
12v 48/16 black ~3rolls

If your after 5v 30/30 white I have some lengths that are used but working fine.
