I think I understand. BrianZ wants to have a roofline with snowflakes below it. He's thinking of spacing the snowflakes along the roofline, having the data come down to each snowflake part-way along the roofline and then going back up to continue the roofline. Brianz, please correct me if I am wrong.
I can think of two ways to use the custom snowflake model to do this. Sticking with your current wiring plan, one option is to use a custom model for the roof outline and leave gaps in the node numbers where the snowflakes go. You could then set the start channels of the snowflakes to overlap the gaps in the pixel numbers in the roof outline. Another option is to use a separate line model between every snowflake. You could then put the line models into a group and place effects on the group in the sequencer.
I would not wire it the way that you're thinking. The way that I would do it is to leave the roofline as a continuous run. I'd then run the snowflakes alongside the roofline with their own power and data wires. They're only 1 foot (equal to 30.48 centimetres because I prefer metric
) apart so the data will travel that distance without a problem. Having their own power is an additional safeguard against voltage drop and I like overengineering things.
I can think of two ways to use the custom snowflake model to do this. Sticking with your current wiring plan, one option is to use a custom model for the roof outline and leave gaps in the node numbers where the snowflakes go. You could then set the start channels of the snowflakes to overlap the gaps in the pixel numbers in the roof outline. Another option is to use a separate line model between every snowflake. You could then put the line models into a group and place effects on the group in the sequencer.
I would not wire it the way that you're thinking. The way that I would do it is to leave the roofline as a continuous run. I'd then run the snowflakes alongside the roofline with their own power and data wires. They're only 1 foot (equal to 30.48 centimetres because I prefer metric