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Re: Now Who is infected with the C.L.A.P.

kel said:
Btw, how do you use multiple quotes?

Kel, make sure you have a [ quote] before and [ /quote] after each bit of text you want to quote. Don't leave any spaces between the [ and ] either. I only did to stop it from quoting it here!

For example, this:

[ quote]This bit was said by another person[/ quote]

Actually comes out like:

This bit was said by another person
Re: Now Who is infected with the C.L.A.P.

cfowlerlock77 said:
I would love it if my hubby could get infected - his idea of lights is one set on a tree

Its usually the other way around, The husband usually is infected first and then tries everything in their power to infect their wives. But most wives have built up an immunity to the CLAP except for the month of December when CLAP seems to take over them as they take credit for the disease.
Re: Now Who is infected with the C.L.A.P.

Looks like you have the same version of the C.L.A.P. as we have Eddie. But It's weird the monthly selective bit only seems to affect one of our females (the other one has it bad) .....maybe it has mutated? ;)
Re: Now Who is infected with the C.L.A.P.

Then again maybe it's a gene thing........who can we cross Kel with to make the Super CLAP gene? :)