Old F16V4 cant upgrade firmware past Build 3

corrupt file perhaps? try redownloading with a different browser.

we're scraping the bottom of the barrel on ideas here, we might need to wait for Keith to check in.
Yeah will try when I get home but after downloading over 20 firmware files, its hardly likely all of them are corrupt. The only thing that I will check is the format of the SD card.
When you say you reset the unit, have you tried doing the hard factory reset using the buttons?
If I recall, it's power off for 20 sec or so, press and hold select and power on. Keep holding the button down until a light changes or display says something, I can't remember which.
Came across this thread when I was having trouble updating my falcon, exact same symptoms and I had tried same things but could not get it to work.
Reassessed what I was doing and worked out that I was downloading the file incorrectly.
In github when I got to the file and clicked on it I got a screen that said something about being sorry, I then went back and right clicked on file link and did a save as.
This produces a file that is named as you would expect, I went about uploading this file and it kept failing.
Anyways turns out doing a save as does not work.
You need to click on the file name and then when the screen that is sorry appears click on the download link (see pic)
after downloading uploaded to f16 and like magic it worked, updated from 21 to 27!
Hope this helps.

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