International Online Mini Conference

Hope it doesn't go to an earlier start, we are rushing to get dinner in prior to start. I learn lots every week. And I am definitely repurposing all those unused moving reindeer in the attic in our graveyard this year (even the moving head moose).
Online Mini Conference # 11 is less than 2 hours away!

Online Mini Conference # 11 is less than 2 hours away![/color]
[/color]this Online Mini Conference will be How the Renard controllers (both AC and DC) work in detail by Budude[/color]

Reminder the server is here

and all youl need is a name to join

but it won’t be open until about 15 min prior to the start of the OMC

Online Mini Conference # 12 +
oh no, we don’t have the next weeks planed, we NEED presenter s, please volunteer

Well better late than never!
Well it’s been a hard road to put the recordings of the meetings back together. To get a glimpse of the difficulty level, we are talking about 141+GB of data. That data is split up into 4,597 files in 605 folders, that all had to be manually spliced back together into three separate files (slides,webcam,chat) for each mini. After evaluating more than a dozen video software packages I finally selected the two needed to be able to do the job. Using MediaCoder to convert the webcam flvs into mp4 because the primary video editing software couldn’t handle flvs. So then using Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 I had to make two videos out of each mini. One video I had to put each slide onto the timeline at the right point then had to add webcams to that video that overflowed from the other video. The second video was made putting the webcams onto its timeline. That was just the start, as I quickly discovered because not everyone’s webcam could send the server 15 frames per second, the timeing and the length of each webcam had to be manipulated to try to get it at least reasonably well lined up with the audio. Then it was taking 5 + hours to encode the file and after 8 hours something would always crash. So I built a dedicated box just to do the encoding and that helped eminsly. So its not right completely and I’ll still be working on these more later on as there was a loss of quality (seems to be from one of the last two steps) to the webcams and an even bigger loss of quality to the slides but the original files are perfect so with more work and more time this repository will get better! Here are some of the first 11.5 meetings:
(by the way if you get an error 14 close your browser and retry in 14 minutes, brand new error I’ll try to get it fixed(so much work for such simple things))
Online Mini Conference # 1: Making Shared neutral cables, and USA ac 110 history, How to use bbb
By Gigogig ~20 attendees
Processing : Encoding presentation (screen) to segment preview image
Online Mini Conference # 2: DMX Signal Anatomy, DMX Bus Management, Universes and Addressing, DMX Controllers, DMX Fixtures, Examples of DMX props, Future of DMX
By lightman ~20 attendees
Online Mini Conference # 3: intro to nutcracker
by smeighan ~25 attendees
Processing : Distributing to progressive downloads
Online Mini Conference # 4: HLS introduction
By Joe ~30 attendees
Online Mini Conference # 5: Video Taping Light Shows
By Lightman ~20 attendees
Online Mini Conference # 6: industry overview of nearly everything!
By AussiePhil ~50 attendees
Online Mini Conference # 7: introduction to E1.31 and how its connected
by fasteddy ~50 attendees
Online Mini Conference # 8: Light show pro
by fasteddy ~25 attendees
Online Mini Conference # 9: E1.31 controllers and bridges
By Donny m Carter and AussiePhil ~40 attendees
Online Mini Conference # 10: Animating your Holiday Display
by Halstaff ~50 attendees
Processing : Extracting segments from presentation
Online Mini Conference # 10.5 or 3.5: a tutorial on using Nutcracker 2.0
By smeighan ~30 attendees
Online Mini Conference # 11: How the Renard controllers (both AC and DC) work in detail
by Budude ~25 attendees
Not started
For what subjects and when?

As things get closer to Christmas then it may be harder to get people to do these as they are focussing more on their displays
anything, i just need some people to "stand up and present" on anything! here in the states there are still some normal mini happining so presenters shouldnt be dryed up yet.
Online Mini Conference # 12 is less than 9 hours away! topic is using Projectio

Online Mini Conference # 12 is less than 9 hours away!
topic is using Projection

Reminder the server is here
and all youl need is a name to join
but it won’t be open until about 15 min prior to the start of the OMC

Online Mini Conference # 13 +
oh no, we don’t have the next weeks planed, we NEED presenter s, please volunteer
OMC17 LOR (sequencing) open forum by cenote date / time http://www.timeanddate

OMC17 LOR (sequencing) open forum by cenote

date / time

topic is LOR (sequencing) open forum
Instead of a full blown talk on LOR, cenote will try a open forum with a LOR theme.
cenote will try to start off by going threw the commands of the sequencer and showing how to use them,
to drum up some discussion on methods and short cuts for doing sequencing.
the hope for this week is to maybe stir up a good discussion on sequencing since everybody is going crunch time now.

Reminder the server is here
and all youl need is a name to join
but it won’t be open until about 15 min prior to the start of the OMC
Well I stepped up to the plate, I couldn't let Phil and Eddy be the only ones having fun...
I know, most here are using other software this year, other than LOR, but I am a diehard still, and just willing to share what I know.

Most people are in crunch time now on sequencing, and this may be a great chat to find out what little short cut others are doing to save you some time, and to put more of a WOW factor in your shows. We get both newbies and very experienced vets over there. Some stay for a few, others ramble on till we hrs in the morning. No question or comment is looked at like "that was stupid" or "why?" Very easy to join in, just a screen name needed, we ask yo use the same name as you do on the forums to make it a little easier to put faces with logins. The following is an outline of what I thought I would cover, but is not limited to this what so ever. We are hoping to promote some really good discussion on uses of LOR S3.

Network Preferences window
LOR, DMX, Listener Port, 1.31
Create new sequence/animation
Importing/Exporting configs
“Master” and “non master” tracks
Grouping tabs
Display Preferences
Tool bars
Cut/Paste/Copy, Undo/Redo, Display toggles, Lights off, Effects
RGB fades and colors, quick fill, DMX input, Special/custom effects
Foreground/Background uses
Beat markings, Tapper

Look forward to seeing you there.
cenote said:
Well I stepped up to the plate, I couldn't let Phil and Eddy be the only ones having fun...
I know, most here are using other software this year, other than LOR, but I am a diehard still, and just willing to share what I know.

Most people are in crunch time now on sequencing, and this may be a great chat to find out what little short cut others are doing to save you some time, and to put more of a WOW factor in your shows. We get both newbies and very experienced vets over there. Some stay for a few, others ramble on till we hrs in the morning. No question or comment is looked at like "that was stupid" or "why?" Very easy to join in, just a screen name needed, we ask yo use the same name as you do on the forums to make it a little easier to put faces with logins. The following is an outline of what I thought I would cover, but is not limited to this what so ever. We are hoping to promote some really good discussion on uses of LOR S3.

Network Preferences window
LOR, DMX, Listener Port, 1.31
Create new sequence/animation
Importing/Exporting configs
“Master” and “non master” tracks
Grouping tabs
Display Preferences
Tool bars
Cut/Paste/Copy, Undo/Redo, Display toggles, Lights off, Effects
RGB fades and colors, quick fill, DMX input, Special/custom effects
Foreground/Background uses
Beat markings, Tapper

Look forward to seeing you there.

Great to see you having a go and im sure will be appreciated by all those using LOR S3, There are many more LOR users here than you would think, so I hope there is a decent amount of participation from those that frequent here and use LOR S3
Online Mini Conference # 17 is less than 2 hours away!
topic is LOR (sequencing) open forum by cenote

Reminder the server is here
and all youl need is a name to join
but it won’t be open until about 15 min prior to the start of the OMC

Online Mini Conference # 18 +
oh no, we don’t have the next weeks planed, we NEED presenter s, please volunteer
Re: Online Mini Conference, Nutcracker will be Nov 9th

I am unable to do the Nutcracker Tutorial tonight, Nov 8th.
i am taking my family to see Circus Soleil, so I will be giving the Tutorial tomorrow, Friday Nov 9th at 7pm MST.

Will discuss changes to Nutcracker over the last week. Spiral Effect has been fixed, a new option for handiness, Both is now available.
Will go over the list of current bugs and an estimate of when they will be fixed
We will go over single strands, Projects
I will also again go over each of the sequencers: vixen, hls, lor and lsp. I will give an example of loading data to each.
I will talk about new option to set the starting channel to other than 1 for Vixen and LOR.

See you on BigBlue Button conference.

On Friday, Nov 9th, follow these steps:
select cracker in the "Join a meeting"

enter your name, no password is needed

i will open conference at 6:45pm MST, tutorial will start 7:00pm MST

we will also be using so that you can see my full resolution screen.
I will give out the 9 digit code when we start.

This will be recorded and be available 1-2 hours after the close of the session.

Previous tutorials