International Online Mini Conference

two presentations on two channels 11-9-12 we have two presentations on two chann

we have two presentations on two channels tomorrow
OMC 23 Vixen 2.x Effects Using FxGen by djulien
on OnlineMiniConference channel
Nutcracker Tutorial by smeighan
on cracker channel

Reminder the server is here
and all you’ll need is a name to join
but it won’t be open until about 15 min prior to the start of the OMC or Nutcracker Tutorial

FxGen Agenda
Demo #1
Demo #2
Using an Effect
Demo #3
More Info

Nutcracker Tutorial Agenda
discuss changes to Nutcracker over the last week.
Spiral Effect has been fixed, a new option for handiness
We will go over single strands, Projects
last of the year Online Mini Conferences

The 11-23 , 11-30, 12-7, 12-14, 12-21 online mini conformances will be on troubleshooting / sharing / helping, so grab a webcam and a microphone and come join us. Oh and if there are no problems then we will just celebrate complete success.

Reminder the server is here
and all you’ll need is a name to join
What to do with so little time, Troubleshooting,Sharing,helping and showing off

What to do with so little time, Troubleshooting, Sharing, helping and showing off that’s what the next 12-7, 12-14, 12-21 online mini conformances will be on. please come attend
Btw To make my pixels go this year I last minute got a copy of lightjams and I’m loving it, so that may come up as well as the outlook on next year’s software and hardware advances
The site is still hare
Hi gigogig
Are these sessions recorded and available off-line as the Nutcracker presentations are?
OMC 2013

Sorry for the long delay, but its time to get the online mini conferences back on track!
So here’s some schedules as well as some updates
1. January
1.A. This week will be a presentation for new people mostly on controlling 110 volt ac lights, software, and hardware overview. A great place to start for new people, or people looking into expanding / moving around there hardware / software choices.
1.B. Next week will be a presentation for new people on pixels, lights controllers and other points of interest.
2. Other upcoming events
2.A. I’m hoping to get someone to do a make and stay for the renard group buy controllers (possibly a 2 to 4 week series). “A make and stay is a get together over the internet, where members build a project with parts already gathered at each member's location, in order to facilitate talking through the project build, with video and audio between them.” (KeithTarpley) The hope is to be able to make the transition to building boards that much ezer. If this works like we expect with renards we will love to see other boards done this way
2.B. Another presentation will be on how to broadcast trodishinal minis. As we come into the session this year of minis it is my hope to make it so that more minis can be and are broadcast, so that geographic and timing restrictions are less of a problem for attendance, as well as possibly presenting from all over.
3. We will also reset the list of presentations, so any presentation that was done in 2012 can be redone in 2013 with new hardware, software, and audience.
4. With the reset we need volunteer presenters more than ever! Pick a topic you think people would be interested in learning and let me know when you would like to do it.
5. Recordings:
:( Probably my biggest failure of OMC-2012 was uploading \ maintaining the recordings of 2012. To all those that had problems, I am sorry for the inconvenience. 2013 things will get better, but alas not right away. We are sending a team of three to a conference / training, and are working hard with developers to make the process more automated and complete, but it will take time. Hopefully apr – may we will be where we wanted to be. That being faster upload of conformances with much better uptime, and a better ui for dealing with all the different parts of conferences. Agen sorry this is slow, but it will be right when we are done (and in the end it should be retroactive to all past recordings), also we should have the ability to download the conferences as well as auto upload to YouTube, the only limitation being that those won’t have nice ui’s to be able to see some details.

6. New always open chat
Another new addition for 2013 is a new chat room, but let me start by saying that this is in no way meant, targeted or designed to replace any other chat rooms. The purpose of this chat room is to allow for audio, webcams and whiteboarding between people for better understanding / conveyance of ideas / problems. This room is always open, but it is best used by jumping in when you need it

7. The site for all online mini conferences is still at
Re: To moderators

gigogig said:
I don’t have any problems with anyone and I don’t want to start, I’m a member of multiple sites because I believe that all of them bring something to your users (aka me). I am trying to bring something to them as well, and I feel that as there is no one doing this specific type of minis/get-togethers/meetings/presentations now I hope not to be stepping on anyone. As I see the traditional minis/get-togethers/meetings/presentations are superior to internet based ones in almost every way. The two exceptions being users that can’t make it to them and presenters that can’t make it closer to the users. That said please let me know if I’m crossing the lines of your site and I won’t put anything about this back up.

You know you have the support here because its all about sharing info and helping eachother, thats what makes a hobby grow. If i didnt support you i wouldnt have let you use the ACL RGB preso and other PDFs that has been used for your presentations. I appreciate you taking the time to offer the server to use for your online conferences. Everyone wins. :D
Online mini DIY Projectors, Repairs and Customization this Friday Date and time

Online mini DIY Projectors, Repairs and Customization this Friday

Date and time

It will cover What is a Projector?, Replacing Color Wheels (Brief) ,Lights , Bypassing the Ballast, Replacing the Bulb DIY stiles, Replacing the Polarizers, Shortening the Throw of the Projector

After the presentation there will likely be some discussion on software and other odd and ends.

Link to where the online mini is

Old presentations
Az mini apr 2014

az mini apr 2013
Intro RGB lighting jan 2013
AC lighting jan 2013
Sequencing LOR s3 sep 2012
Projection aug 2012
Renard Controllers aug 2012
E1.31 controllers and bridges 2012
Light show pro 2012
Intro to E1.31 2012
Industry overview of nearly everything 2012
Videotaping light shows
Early HLS
Early nutcracker
DMX primer 2012
Shared neutral cables
recording of DIY Projectors, Repairs and Customization
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