Other software ?


New elf
Sep 20, 2013
So I got a 16 channel LOR and I have been playing with the sequence editor.
I am slowly getting the hang of it,.

My only complaint is I can't seem to start from say the 15 second mark or 1 minute mark for testing. I have to play the whole sequence.

am I doing something wrong or is there other software I should be using ?

There is a playback setting that allows a couple of options. Play from start, play visible screen or play selection or similar settings to that. There is also a setting to loop.
So I am an idiot and I can do what I want.


Thank you very much, This will save me a lot of time.
BluePiggy--click "play" then click on "play range" then drop down to whichever range you want to do. I have used "visible screen" and "from selection" a lot--these both allow you to keep punching away at little bits of your sequence to get it just right!!
I use the "Play From" selection allllll the time. I also have gotten used to using the space bar to start and stop the sequence instead of going through the mouse clicks.
Same - play from selection and start it with the keyboard. It shaves weeks of frustrations 8)
Thanks for these tips, it will save me hours of time.

I had the same problem and would play an entire sequence just to change 1 bit 1/2 way thru.

Thanks guys
Thanks guys.

Next question, can I make a custom shortcut button for these functions ?