P10 - FPP - ColorLight 5A-75B issue


New elf
Dec 12, 2019
So I gave up on the option of using a BBB and FPP to drive my P10 panels. No matter what I tried I simply could not get it working.
So instead I purchased a 51-75B Colorlight card.
My matrix is setup as 4 wide x 4 tall so 128x64
I followed a couple videos online using this method and both showed bottom row to J1, 2nd to J2 and upwards so mine is connected as follows.
I was able to successfully configure the Colorlight card without any issues. Tested it using their software. Simple screen that had text as you can see below.
I then setup a new RaspberryPi4 with the latest version of FPP and configured the LED Panels as 4x4 with 32x16 1/4 Scan
Tested it in the display testing and everything worked.


I setup Vixen to test color bars, fire, text. During testing this is what I got.
Bars looked correct but Text was not and the fire sequence was off as you can see every row of panels was upside down it appeared.

I tried messing with the layout in FPP to change the boards around but the closest I can get it to working is a mirrored effect.


Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am so darn close to getting this working its driving me nuts. :)


New elf
Dec 12, 2019
Just an update. So I thought I would test this using xLights instead of Vixen and viola... it worked as expected.
Now I just need to figure out why Vixen is doing this to the screen when xLights works.
All of my current sequences are in vixen so I really do not feel like learning xLights at this time so anyone that has any info on why this may be occurring in Vixen and not xLights please share.


400,000+ twinkly lights
Oct 16, 2016
Christchurch, New Zealand
Not entirely sure how you set up a colourlight card to work with vixen, however when I ran a small 15x15 pixel matrix colour wall thing, I think I had to patch it backwards when assigning it to a controller, i.e if you have 100 outputs on the controller and 100 items to patch, patch item 100 at controller output 1 etc. 2 at 99 3 at 98, because everything was out or mirrored, see if that works for you.


New elf
Dec 12, 2019
I wound up getting it working. The issue is Vixen itself. Within the Text option I had to change it from String to Location and then it flipped and looked correctly.
As of now everything is working but with that said I am a bit disappointed with Vixen and the lack of being able to move text around to where I want it displayed. I wanted to have static text on the far left of the screen but I simply cannot do it easily. Oh well I will work around it and maybe this will give me a good reason to change over to xLights. I just dread having to redo all my sequences and my singing tree.