Answered Package to get started

All the ws28** strips use the same protocol.
OK, sorry ... thought you had to get different controllers for the different lights (i.e.: 2801 has controller 'A', 2811 has controller 'B', 2812 has controller 'C', etc) - that just makes it easier!

Can they be mixed in a sequence?

either separate strands on the same controller for one display? or even extend one string (2811) with some of another (say 2812)?
Keith actually missed a 1 in his statement which changes all sorts of things.
All of the 281x stuff is compatible and can be joined end to end etc. These include 2811, 2812, 2812B. Ink1002, Ink1003 and UCS1903 will also work on the same protocol.
The 2801 and 2803 aren't compatible as they are 4 wire.
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