PC-CTB16PC-COMPLETE chanell problem


Senior elf
Mar 4, 2012
Batemans Bay
Ive a little problem with my 240v lor controller. Last night i noticed that chanells 4,6 and 8 have stoped working. Ive tested these lights on a another powerpoint and they are working fine. Checked the extension cords and plugs all good there. chanels 12357 all work fine so not a fuse issue . Have checked sequence and all good there as it was working 2 nights ago. looks like the paste got a bit hot did take an extension cord up lights do work have been using an lor mp3 player, mp3 player is 9v dc , jumper removed , triacs look fine looking at that pic, im going to turn off all power and try hardware conection could swap over controllers but not keen on dammaging another one is the first picture normal, for the paste to go like that oh what to do ? anyone got any ideas i can try? Cheers John
Shorted TRIACs are the easiest fault to find and repair (assuming you heave the right soldering gear).

Outputs that fail to come on could be a dead TRIAC, but could also be the result of a bad optocoupler, resistor, etc. They are harder to diagnose, especially without spare parts and a higher level of electronics skill.
Sounds like your the man for the job David. Will send them off to you in the new year, after the show. In the mean time I will run out leads to other controllers &8 hope I dont blow any more.
ok, so I lost another chanel last night ( number 5)
The other 3 chanels (4, 6, 8) had there lights moved to other controllers and they have been going great all week. Now I loose another chanel. What could be causing this and how do I stop it happening again?

Cheers John
Are you putting too many lights on these channels ? Do you know what the amp load is with the lights you are using ?
Most of these LOR boards will only handle about 6 to 7 amps per channel....
hi John i have had this before and have just changed the triac and the lights as i found the lights to be fualty and have not had this issue at all this year. If you need some triacs let me know as i have a few spare