Perth/WA Perth Mini Interest 2012 - 10th June --- Please confirm attendance ---

Re: Australian Perth Mini Interest 2012

This is good.
We have a good number of members wanting to participate.

Will have to sort some dates out and a venue.
As Kane said before June/July is around the same time as the other mini's so we could do it on an opposite weekend to them.
Re: Australian Perth Mini Interest 2012

Hook in guys, Lots of members over there to get this one off the ground
Re: Australian Perth Mini Interest 2012

Gareth said:
Hi All,

Would love to have a mini in Perth in 2012. Might even be able to organise a venue....

Gareth, Landsdale. WA

Gareth that sounds good. let us know some more details if you can.

Ok lets talk dates.
How does the end of June sound? Its after the Melbourne mini

What kind of topics would people like covered?
Might be able to borrow some information out of the Melbourne mini as well as create our own content based on what people over here are interested in
Re: Australian Perth Mini Interest 2012

Mike said:
Gareth that sounds good. let us know some more details if you can.

Ok lets talk dates.
How does the end of June sound? Its after the Melbourne mini

What kind of topics would people like covered?
Might be able to borrow some information out of the Melbourne mini as well as create our own content based on what people over here are interested in
End of June sounds good to me - how about we pencil in 23rd or 24th of June as a starting point - would a Sat or Sun work best?

Feedback from the other minis suggest that a lot of general discussion time would be advantageous, rather than filling the whole day with presentations..

I'm guessing there'll be a few LOR'ers, so maybe we could have a big chat with everyone, and then split into two camps for LOR/DMX specific topics?

Depending on what gear everyone else wants to bring along, I can bring a DR4, PixAd8, e680, e681, plus a couple of my RGB perspex Star light boxes.
Re: Australian Perth Mini Interest 2012

Kane thats what i was thinking. Saturday would probably be better I think.
Yes general discussions over here would be better than something structured i think too.

LOR i am NO help with. may need to fly a lor guru in from over east (hint hint people)

i can bring dc48, d4, p12r , dongle other small ssr boards as well as probably most of Davids product range by then lol. Various pixels and strip, std leds, psu's etc.
Re: Australian Perth Mini Interest 2012

I'm going to nominate young Jack(Lights On Sail) and his LOR AC board,
He will be a guru at LOR by June.
Re: Australian Perth Mini Interest 2012

I', south of Bunbury WA and woud be really interest in attended a LOR forum to get a better understanding of how it all works!
Re: Australian Perth Mini Interest 2012

Hey Peta

We will start looking very serious into all this after the lights come down. The mini should cover LOR as well as the DIY stuff

:) check back for more details
Re: Australian Perth Mini Interest 2012

Early June is best for me, as after June 19th for two weeks I'll be sitting back drinking Pina Coladas on board the Dawn Princess..
Re: Perth Mini Interest 2012

I've only just realised that I may be a non-starter, as my missus is due with our third in June. I'll just have to play it by ear and see how I go - I was looking forward to a catch up and to put some faces to names.
Re: Perth Mini Interest 2012

Kane said:
I've only just realised that I may be a non-starter, as my missus is due with our third in June. I'll just have to play it by ear and see how I go - I was looking forward to a catch up and to put some faces to names.

Whats more important, going to the mini or being there for your child's birth. Get your priorities right ;)