Pixel/PS weirdness


Full time elf
Aug 30, 2012
North Carolina
I have everything up and I am having some sort of problem with the power supplies I think. So hear goes. I have 2 of Ray Wu's 12v 350W power supplies. I am running everything using a ECG-P2. A string of 462 pixels and my ECG-P2 are powered by one supply. I have put my other 170 pixels on the second supply. The larger string works well. When I plug in the second power supply my string of 170 pixels just flicker and go nutz. That is whether the strings are disabled in the J1SYS config or not. NOW...if I take the power line and move it from the second power supply to the power supply running my ECG and other pixels....problem goes away... I don't think I can run ALL my pixels on this one power supply....any suggestions...maybe a grounding issue...
Confirm it by now using that power supply on the known working system. if the fault has moved to the other pixels.
But from what im understanding you have a P2 with one power supply and output used together and the other output and power supply together. The question is do you have the grounds tied together and are you supplying from the first pixel and not the last.
I have no connection between the two power supplies. should I run a wire from one PS 12v ground to the other PS 12v ground...now that I think of it...If grounds need to be connected I might have two options..

1-run a wire from 12v ground on PS1 to 12v ground on PS2


2- move the jumper on my ECG-P2 to allow 12v through on that string. Right now I have a separate wire running power to the first string from power supply 2. This would have power from PS2, but also be allowing PS1 to inject power thru the ECG-P2....power would be injected at the same point however from both power supplies...probably not the best option...
Just use option 1 ... Power supplies (rays cheapies) cannot be hooked together unless you specifically buy supplies that are designed for that application.
Did that fix your issue? I'm having similar issue but my grounds are connected to each other.