Pixel Software Question


New elf
Feb 17, 2016
I am fairly new at this game but do have some LOR equipment. My question is about absolute control of smart rgb pixel strings. After studying the LOR pixel software I became aware that while it is very powerful but it seems that you are only able to control pixels with preset effects. I want to be able to control every pixel on a string with my own designed effects. I realize that it is a lot of channels to program but I want to give it a try. Was inspired by a new parade at Disneyland called the "Paint The Night" parade that is using some kind of software that allows individual pixel control (check it out on youtube). It may be there is a way to do it in LOR. Anyway any thoughts would be appreciated
Pretty sure all the sequencers let you do this. Most people would never bother though as you can almost always do what you want at a higher level by grouping nodes into models or Submodels.

Lor is a very expensive way to sequence pixels. Just because you have lor hardware does not limit you to lor software. XLights and vixen are both free and will do the job admirably.
I'm only fairly new as well, but have done alot of researching. I changed from LOR to xLights this year, and both will allow you to drill all the way down to each individual R, G & B or any combination on each pixel. Just depends on the setup you use.
Hey just to let you know, I use xlights, so I am not sure if you can do this in lor, but I have found it to be way easier and faster to simply make animated gifs rather than drill down to the node level. When I say way easier and faster to make animated gifs, I mean by a factor of at least 100. I can do a whole mega tree sequence for a song using gifs, that can include automated singing and dancing characters in just about 12 hrs.

An example of how to do it, I have a 16x50 mega tree, so I simply make a 16x50 pixel gif image which then translates 1:1 directly to the tree.

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