Pixel testers

If you're after a simple push button colour selector then they're available too.
There's a lot of varieties of these things as well. A lot of the feebay ones are advertised as dream colour or similar and the strip comes with a remote.

Yes thanks alan
Thats simple enough and should do what I want to determine rgb orders! repair and join up some of my cut up strips as I know there is about 3 different color orders ! As I didn't label what was what silliness !
I like the idea of battery pack system and those little jumper pack thingys are getting smaller and cheaper all the time !
Thanks guys
That looks like it would do the job. Chuck your favourite pigtails on it and away you go ! :)
Now you don't need to make something that already exists!!
But as Alan said previously, I use the OP tester for R G & B just one at a time. I use the tester to check that data seems to be getting thorugh OK, and once OK, then I'll plug element into xlights to re-confirm channels etc.
The testers seem to remember modes when powered off too, so as Alan said, just leave it on red with a known pixel strip, then select green and blue with the selector, there is also a selector to go back so you don't have to go all the way through the modes to get back to red. Excellent tool Alan, and I have already been using it for the topic discussed in this thread, testing red, green & blue...