Pixelstick Where to buy

Using a linear regulator for the +12V to +5V on an ESP based board is not really viable.
Agree, the AMS1117-5.0 runs quite hot. It is actually based on one of the early pixelstick schematics, chearly why they shifted to DC-DC Buck convertors instead.

But this is still very suitable for 5volt LED's, which is why i put the offer out.
If designing something, I'd strongly suggest adding an SD card slot to the design. The ability to run fseq files in "remote" mode can definitely help with some of the wifi lag issues.
Certainly a good idea, however the boards I’ve made were mainly for non Christmas light purposes (blasphemy I know!). Things like strip mood lights in theatre rooms etc.
I decided on the newer esp32 rather than the older esp8266, wled supports both esp’s, but ESPixelstick is still the older. I’ve figure at some point it will support both. I have seen some attempts to port it to esp32. Might check again.
The "unify" branch (will be 4.0) supports the esp32, supports the SD cards, runs in remote mode, can upload sequences from xLights using the normal FPP Connect stuff, etc... :)
I've used my ESP01 based board in my display for a few years and they've been pretty good.

Last year I made up a couple of ESP07 based boards to play with antennas and improve the signal levels.

I should do another version with the SD card. I guess the ESP32 would be the way to go with that?
would'nt the rasp pi zero Wifi, be better an cheaper than the ESP32?

Better: definitely yes. Cheaper: depends on if you can actually get the PiZero for a reasonable cost. ESP32's are really cheap and available everywhere. If you get "multi packs" you can easily find them for under $5 each including shipping. The PiZeroW is harder to get. You can sometimes find them for $10-$15, but many of those deals require picking them up in store (MicroCenter) or need to add shipping.
You can easily load the ForkInEye PixelStick firmware on a NodeMCU. I actually switched to WLED from PixelStick because the WLED software actually works better (for what I want anyways).
Have you looked at the ESPixelStick V4 (Unify) software?

What was it that you did not like about the V3 software?
Here is a prototype I knocked together a few weeks ago for use with WLED (this is esp32 based so I don't believe you can use Pixelstick firmware).

Personally I'm not entirely happy with it in current version I've got a small batch made, as the 5v linear regulator runs too hot on 12volt in my opinion.

However, this would be perfect if you run 5volt LED's, as i could simply remove the 5volt reg.

note - I made these for personal use for me, and friends, didnt plan on making for sale purpose.

(I'm SE Vic based)

View attachment 16828

View attachment 16827
ESP32 LoLin Pro is supported by ESPixelStick Unify branch.
ESP32 LoLin Pro is supported by ESPixelStick Unify branch.
Yeah, I've soon learned that after i made my design. Either way, WLED suits our needs well (non christmas related).. I'll be doing a V2 version soon, that will also have SD Card as suggested.. As well as a Buck convertor for the 5volt regulation to make it more suitable for 12, or even 24volt .