Pixlite 16 struggling to control pixels


New elf
Nov 9, 2012
This is the first year that I have started using my Pixlite controllers
My setup is as follows
Dedicated wired network for the lights
Raspberry Pi 3 B+ running the latest version of Falcon Player
Pixlite 4 with 960 WS2811 RGB as a mega tree
Pixlite 16 with 900 RGB WS2811 as a matrix, 46 RGB WS2811 as a single strip

this has been working well, I have just gone and added another 300 RGB WS2811 as a single strip to the Pixlite 16
now when these are added to the sequence all the lights are erratic in operation
It seems that the system cannot cope with the lights added to the sequence

Is it that the Pixlite 16 just cannot handle animations going to the pixel matrix and outputting to the other two strips at the same time or do I have another issue somewhere?
More info required.
If the whole lot are erratic then it either has to be power related and you are exceeding the capacity of the wires, fuses or power supplies or alternately you have the new pixels mapped in Xlights across where the existing ones are and that is what is screwing up the effects.
Xlights has a "check sequence" under the tools. That will tell you if you have a mapping problem.
I have checked using the CHECK SEQUENCE and no errors
The pixel Tree is on its own 400W power supply
the others are running off another 400W power supply but I have the matrix limited to 30% brightness and the other pixel strings limited to 40% brightness in the setup of the Pixlite 16

I am just redoing a new sequence without any sequence of the new pixel strip to see if everything works normally again or I have some other issue that has just happened at the same time as adding these new LED's
Can you hold the factory IP button for 3-4 seconds to initiate the test sequence. Do all the pixels work fine when you do this ?
yes all the -ve are connected
yes all LED's light when I do the test pattern
I have disconnected the new LED strip and loaded up an old sequence into the Falcon Player and the matrix/pixel tree and original pixel strip are all working as they should

So it looks like I need to start completely from scratch on a sequence

Just remembered that when I was adding the new strip to an existing sequence the effects play perfectly just to the strip by itself but it all went erratic when trying to output to all the displays which made me think it was the controller that was struggling
Will give an update once I redo a new sequence and test it
so the semi good news is that the sequence got corrupted when I added the new model to it
Even the sequence I based it off got corrupted :confused:

I have just done a quick new sequence with one of the animations that I use on the matrix and just some basic stuff for the tree and two strips and everything is working correctly again
looks like I will have to just start from scratch on the whole sequence :(

anyway thanks for the help in finding what was going on

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