pixlite 16 with LOR controllers in dmx mode

devo i agree with you but is there a way to test that theory? is there any special lights that would blink when its sending a channel. on another thread fasteddy said with LOR controllers it must receive a constant signal so it doesnt go back to looking for the LOR signal does the pixlite do that? i am just reaching. is the a simple way to test this without being in a squence
i have used it for other things but not for this. do i have the lor controller and the pixlite hooked up together?

also is there any setting that need to change on the lor board to change it to dmx
Use da_E131 to send the DMX universe of your choice to the PixLite controller which will in turn send the DMX stream to your LOR controller.

As far I know the LED on the LOR controller should stop flashing when it's receiving a DMX stream. You don't have to (and can't) change anything on the LOR controller to receive DMX.
It's hard to make out the text where the out 1 is for the ON/OFF. As all for outputs are configured the same I'm wondering whether the output is enabled via the ON/OFF control.
I might of missed something here but the way I'm seeing that is you are sending universe 10 to all the DMX outputs. I thought you needed to send universe 1. All the 10's need to be changed to 1's if you want universe 1. Obviously not the first time I've been wrong, if universe ten is the one you want.

My understanding is you can only send 1 universe to a dmx port. So the number in the box specifies that universe.
i got it figured out. i had everything setup correct the problem was where i plugged the crossover cable in. i had it plugged into the pixlite controller when it needed to be plugged into the LOR controller