Poll: Do you live in a dead end street?

Do you live in a dead end street?

  • Yes

  • No

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404 darylc not found
Dec 8, 2012
I am interested in gauging the proportion of people who put up a display that live in a dead end street. Vote & discuss away.
I live in a dead end street 4 houses each side, it's not a cul-de-sac and therefor doesn't have any turn around ability without using driveways. When the crowds arrive we take it upon ourselves to bloke it off as their are too many kids running onto the road.
A couple of the major displays in a nearby suburb are in dead end streets, or at least in the last section of it. Come to think of it most of the clusters of houses with displays that I can think of in our area are in dead end streets too.
We are off the corner of a cul-de-sac and have double nature strips across from us without any through (car) traffic and no driveways across from us, so plemty of parking:
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I'm kinda at the end of a dead end street. It isn't strictly a dead end but it changes from bitumen to gravel at the end of my block and it virtually becomes 4WD only just into the gravel. With 100m of street front, 2 factories over the road and the other 2 houses on the street with fair sized frontages we have no traffic worries. We can have 10-20 cars parked and still have 2 way traffic flow.

I live at the end of a suburban cul-de-sac and this is one of the reasons I don't want to grow the display too large that it attracts large crowds, as it would cause too many traffic issues. The other reason is I'm not sure I want to spend that much time or money creating a larger display!
During our proper first season people figured out how to use the cul de sac pretty quickly. Yes I did still get the occasional double / tripple parking causing people to do a 6 point turn to get out but most of the night people found their way up and down just fine and if they wanted to park and get out they only parked on one side of the street or left the street and walked up.

The flow rate was kinda weird there would be full rushes of cars and then a minute of two of just nothing then another 7-9 cars try come up all at once. Not sure what caused it but it never came up a steady flow it was either everyone or no one.

Now that you have gathered your data do I receive a prize in return for participating?
Nice picture DJ, do people understand and follow it?
Basically yes. I can't be too sure that everyone who has visited has seen the picture, but when there's a couple of cars there already most follow suit. Some stay out on the road if they don't plan to stay long (under 30 secs) but a couple have pulled in and reversed into place to stay for a while.
We live in a small court, only 5 houses. We have a very small frontage facing the road so the display is small at the moment, only 2475 pixels. On a busy night we can have up to seven vehicles in the court, makes it very interesting, with three or four waiting to enter. Luckily we have good neighbours who have not complained. We only get really busy on 5 or 6 days during December.

Most people will have a look and then move on to let others in. We only advertise by word of mouth and I have a facebook page. The numbers have steadily been increasing over the three years we have been doing this.
I voted yes but will explain. It's an L shaped street that ends at a rifle range. 2 other streets come off, on one side only, about 1/2 and 2/3 the way along the street, so we dont get passing traffic, it's local traffic only and has around 30 houses in total.
I'm one of the lucky ones I guess. I live on the corner of a main road and the main arterial road for our estate, which is two sided.

Didn't have a particularly big display this year, however still had some people park on my council verge and stop in the middle of the road to look so it's not without issues either.
We’re on the outside corner of an L shaped curl-de-sac. As we’re the last in the street with a display everyone turns around in front of our house as the street is quite wide there.
I voted yes but I have a corner lot on a cul-de-sac. Heaviest traffic isnt on the dead end street. Corner lot has its pros and cons... Wide streets and plenty of parking here. I've had 20 cars or so watching the display and traffic still flows