Power supplied through the F16v3 controller


New elf
Dec 6, 2017
Hi all.

This is a probably a very simple concept but it doesn't make sense to me. I have been looking for a forum post but cant see one so I must be missing something if I am the only one to be confused.

I am looking into pixel lighting for next Christmas and have never used a controller before. I am looking at the Falcon 16v3.

The question is, if there are 16 outputs, and each output was connected to just a single DC12v 5m LED strip, there would be 16 x 5 = 80 metres of strip. If there are 10 pixels per strip and each pixel uses 0.72W then the power required is 800 x .72 = 576 watts. Even if 2 power supplies are added to the board, and each supply is max 350W, then there is a total of 700W. If we go by the 80% rule for cheap supplies then the power supplied should be no more than 80% x 700 = 560W. So without anything fancy, and powering just 50 pixels per output, we are already over the max suggested power.

This means that power injection (from an additional power supply) is needed directly out of the controller. So what does everyone do? To prevent going over the max power, we would need to supply just the data cable from the controller then power the strips from an external power supply. I know I am going to shake my head when someone tells me what I am missing but please put me out of my misery :)

Don't think your missing anything, think you worked it out yourself. :) Yes, in that situation people use power injection for powering the lights.
You are right, 2 power supplies would be needed - but don't worry too much about your 80% being only 560W when 576W is max required. a) that's max with all pixels full white (something not done that often or for very long); b) most people run pixels at less than 100% brightness (I run my strips at 50% brightness and can easily see their reflection in neighbours windows :) ) c) 80% isn't a hard and fast rule, 85% still leaves fair amount of leeway :D

I use 2x 30Amp PSU's and it runs it like a charm. The only issue is when you run white at 100% which never really happens. During sequencing I have never made the whole house white and tend to keep it to maybe 5 elements in the show if I do want to use white as also you get voltage drop over 3+ meters (Strip) and it becomes more of a yellow. Which trust me when you start sequencing you will not like the white colour due to its inconsistencies on each chip. I power inject strips anything over 5 Meters as I get it in rolls of 5 meters and just add an extra set of tails for power injection. Everyone has it setup a different way and once you start buying a controller and lights you will quickly find what works for you. The image below is my current setup for this year which features a Falcon F16v3 and 2x 30AMP 12v Supplies

Derf | Jack

thanks @heathwithnoteeth I am going to try and get around to see as many as possible. I am up at Seaton (near West Lakes) so its a bit of a hike but will still try and get there. I will let you know if I am coming down. Was going to visit Daryl's display tonight but will have to be tomorrow night now if I can fit it in.