Power Supply

I haven't tried working out so the spreadsheet is a great help. I always prefer to have something bigger as my learning over the years is always to have extra just in case less problems later on in the middle of being used.

OzAz said:
and there's always the option of lowering the brightness and thus reducing current draw, handy if close to the 80-85% limit.

I had my strips at 60% (via controller) and they were still very bright 8)

Another good way to reduce current is to not use white in your sequencing so you never use the Red, Green and Blue at the same time, this will reduce the load by approx. 1/3. But im a believer in never running things to the max as all you do is shorten the life of components in most cases and leave no room for error
The 0.3 watts per pixel on the Aliexpress listing is likely to be incorrect. You'll need to allow for 55mA per pixel which is 0.66 watts each at 12V.

Remember that you can cut and join pixels to make the strings any length that you want.