Raspberry Pi "In & Out" Hat: Inputs + Pixel Outputs


Senior elf
Dec 2, 2012
Would anyone be thinking about a Bulk Buy for the new Raspberry Pi "In & Out" Hat: Inputs + Pixel Outputs boards ?

details are here https://experiencelights.com/raspberry-pi-in-out-hat-input-extender-pixel-output/

the cost is prohibitive for postage buying 1 or 2 but 10 or more it becomes quite reasonable

EDIT: postage for 1 is U.S. $56.76 but postage for 10 is U.S. $73.67
if I can get orders for 10 I will consider doing it , can you please put show expressions of interest and quantity you would like, I'll probably get 2
the boards would have to be paid for before I order them

I'll keep a list here of names and quantities

drakky qty 2
Katekate 1
darylc 2
Croyden Lights 1
Peter Richey (FB) 1
Snowy 1
thewanderingpine 1
Jarrad33 2

djgra79 1
bpratt 1 PAID
Len Smith (FB) 1
Chad Burrows (FB) 1
BAZMick 2
Heath Souter (FB) 1
Domestos 2 PAID
Johnno 2
cbush 1 PAID
Rickras85 2 PAID
nigelwyreema 1

TOTAL --------------- 26 + Troy
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id be interested
thanks , I've edited the original post to ask for how many boards people would be interested in getting as if I can get interest for 10 boards I will consider doing the bulk buy , how many would you be interested in Kate?
Looks like the fuses for the pixel outputs are surface mount type. They don't appear to be resettable, so would require soldering to replace.
Looks like the fuses for the pixel outputs are surface mount type. They don't appear to be resettable, so would require soldering to replace.
They are auto re settable. I'm interested, I should see if they'll do us a deal.
I could not see anywhere that indicates what version Rasp Pi is required for this to run? Does it have to be 2, 3 or higher?
I could not see anywhere that indicates what version Rasp Pi is required for this to run? Does it have to be 2, 3 or higher?
You should assume so, since the header is the long header not the ancient short one from the Pi's < v2
Are these any different from the boards we made @darylc ? I cant see a difference?
They are a step up - they support power for the pixels, (I don't know if you added pixel support to yours, I did), supports remote buttons through an expansion kit etc. Much cleaner ;)
Nope, I didn't need it for my setup. I guess that feature is useful if you are running pixels from your pi?