RaspberryPI + FPP + WT32-ETH01 ESP32 + WLED just not working.


Apprentice elf
Nov 18, 2022
I'm still having problems.

I have a RaspberryPI running the latest version of FPP, and a WT32-ETH01 running the latest version of WLED.

I have a simple Xlights sequence that I can test run on the WT32-ETH01 conneceted to my computer via Ethernet and that works as expected.

I uploaded the sequence to the PI via the FPP Connect tool in Xlights, and that seems to work as expected.

When I connect the PI directly to the WT32-ETH01 via Ethernet I just cant get it to work. In theory it should right? has anyone else tried this and been successful? I'm guessing that I'm just missing some setting somewhere to get the Pi to talk to the WT32-ETH01 directly, I've played around with a lot of settings and tested things one by one, and still nothing. I'm pretty sure everything on the PI side is right. unfortunately I don't have a different type of pixel controller to test that with.

I am getting a router soon, to add to the mix which I'm hoping will allow me to get this working, but I really think it should work without a router.

I'm at the head scratching point here. Any insight will be greatly appreciated.
Its likely a very easy fix, if you jump into the xLights zoom room someone will help. I had the same thing, and was just one setting i missed in the Pi settings. Those zoom room folks are super knowledgeable and helpful.

Made the change and it worked.

The other way is to share a bunch of screen shots of menus and someone will be able to tell you what needs changing.