Ray Wu Pixels Help needed


Fueled by Christmas - Inspired by You!
Dec 16, 2014
Toowoomba QLD
HI all,

Sorry for all the questions but I'm just researching what I require before doing a big shop. Are these the pixels that everyone gets from Ray Wu? https://www.aliexpress.com/store/pr...l?spm=2114.12010615.8148356.60.18804949EddNgn

If so, what is the total length of these as it doesn't say? Also there doesn't seem to be many orders so I'm wondering if these are the wrong ones or if the order count resets in the new year?

Does anyone else find navigating Rays site difficult?
Don't take my word for this as I just started with pixels and ordered from Ray 3 days ago.
I got the 12v pixels and made sure i got the 18AWG wire. I got 1000 bullets and 2000 square nodes. (i did request mine 3" spaced apart and not 4")


OK....so as I suspected, 100mm spacings and 100 nodes is 10 metres of light strip........Correct?? Can you order whatever length you want or will you get 10 x 10 metre lengths which is 1000 nodes???
OK....so as I suspected, 100mm spacings and 100 nodes is 10 metres of light strip........Correct?? Can you order whatever length you want or will you get 10 x 10 metre lengths which is 1000 nodes???
ray will custom make to what ever specs you want. just email him for a quote.
The reason for the low numbers can be because many of us order via email, not through the website, We just link him the page, such as that one, a description and the number of items you want. In this case 10 items would be 10 * 100 nodes, or 1000 nodes total

I have not ordered any of those as I am almost exclusively 5V, but many in here are 12V
I’d like to start playing with some pixels. I see Ray has some “promotion” items - not sure if he always has them or if they are a short term deal?
If I want 5V pixel strings, are the 50 node strings for $5.50 ok or should I stay away from the cheapest?
Welcome here JoeBob! I am not sure on those as I have never used them, but I'm sure some of the other guys here could guide you better.
I’d like to start playing with some pixels. I see Ray has some “promotion” items - not sure if he always has them or if they are a short term deal?
If I want 5V pixel strings, are the 50 node strings for $5.50 ok or should I stay away from the cheapest?
I've seen some PROMOTION lines as a promotion most of the year. The product is generally OK, but it may be limited quantity, or thinner gauge wire than normal, or shorter spacing. Make sure to confirm these types of details before committing to buy.
Oh and if ordering from Ray, email him directly and give him links to products and qtys/sizes, custom lengths etc that you want. That way he can give you back a quote and its often cheaper to do this than adding to cart via AliExpress.
I’d like to start playing with some pixels. I see Ray has some “promotion” items - not sure if he always has them or if they are a short term deal?
If I want 5V pixel strings, are the 50 node strings for $5.50 ok or should I stay away from the cheapest?
If you just want them for playing with and to never use them in your display then these might be fine to get some kind of an idea however, as Graham stated they might be abnormal spacing or thinner wires or questionable quality (I did get a set of lights once where 1 light had very little resin filling in it lucky I noticed before it went outside and bang) so he might be selling them cheaply.
Sorry for hijacking your post but I emailed Ray and asked about the $US5.5 5v pixel string as I'm looking to set up my first show in 2019.
He said the promotion pixels in this case have 24awg wire, and no option to change from 3in spacings. Is 24awg ok for assuming power injection every 50 nodes?
Yes they are fine for close proximity props. I used them on a couple of boscoyo candy canes, however spacing was too short and needed extending in 2 sections.
I used them on my flat tree @ 2in spacing and they were good. I did have 3 pixels out of the 1250 I bought that didn’t work (2 didn’t light up red, 1 didn’t light up blue) then I had another one fail on the final night of testing (no data was getting past 1 pixel so half a sting stopped working).

I bought 4 spare stings just in case and ended up using all of them.
Thanks for the responses. I emailed Ray last night and he said they 22 AWG. Whether it’s 22 or 24 like ifox mentioned, it’s small wire.

I think I could be ok with 3inch spacing as I’m wanting to start with a tree with 2inch spacing - although I have no experience so I’m not sure if you need extra wiggle room in the spacing to actually move and insert into node strips.

Would the 22 or 24 gauge wire still fit the 50 pixel generalization (for 5V) before needing to power inject?