Recruitment Drive

I letter boxed a few more displays that I visited last night and will go back to a whole street (11 houses) later today to hand some out.

Has anyone else been active in handing flyers out?
I have handed a few out at our display to people that have been interested :)
There seemed to be a good response from it.
Time will tell
Well i posted a link to here from the Facebook whyalla christmas lights, but i dont think anyone has bothered with it..
too technical for most people
Sorry for dredging up an old topic, BUT, Does anyone have a copy of the flyer that they can share, it would be good to spread thew word about ACL
Steve22537 said:
.....What I am proposing is that an "ACL approved" flyer be created and available to everyone...

who is ACL and who approves it to make it ACL Approved.
I think a flyer would be great. If it were sanctioned by the moderators, even better. My throat was so dry on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights from telling people about ACL, that I had to consume copious amounts of fluid (and yes it was amber in colour). I've enjoyed every minute of passing on information to anyone who wants to listen.
I have just found this ACL Flyer that I downloaded 2 years ago

Habbosrus said:
I think a flyer would be great. If it were sanctioned by the moderators, even better. My throat was so dry on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights from telling people about ACL, that I had to consume copious amounts of fluid (and yes it was amber in colour). I've enjoyed every minute of passing on information to anyone who wants to listen.

that way we could save Habbosrus from the demon ale
AndrewA said:
I have just found this ACL Flyer that I downloaded 2 years ago

Habbosrus said:
I think a flyer would be great. If it were sanctioned by the moderators, even better. My throat was so dry on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights from telling people about ACL, that I had to consume copious amounts of fluid (and yes it was amber in colour). I've enjoyed every minute of passing on information to anyone who wants to listen.

that way we could save Habbosrus from the demon ale
Awesome! I'll be printing off some of those. Lucky for me the demon ale mainly consists of Light beer these days. I made a conscious decision to take things easy when consuming the amber fluid when my children were very young.
I decided I'd give @Steve22537's flier a bit of an update with the new site design, and also to emphasise some of the features of AusChristmasLighting, like the forums and chat, video gallery and the 101 manual.

Feel free to use this one, if anyone wants to! :)


  • AusChristmasLighting flier (2017).pdf
    862.2 KB · Views: 81
See if you can right-click on it and select save as. Save it to a folder of choice then open acrobate and navigate to the saved folder to open.