REQ help on hooking up this undocumented dm-160 programmer to dm-101 LED control

They should work with any other DMX device but to set the channel range then these need to be done one at a time and not connected together.
Ive used a few of the DD100 controllers before and these could be used with other devices, but the way they worked was that they stripped the data signal from the channels it used, and then the remaining data signal was starting at channel 1 again, so then every controller thinks it starts at channel 1.
So if you use more than one of these in a universe then they all should be set to start at channel 1, so controller 1 may be channel 1,2,3 and 4 and then controller 2 would be channel 1,2,3 and 4 but in the software it will actually be 5,6,7 and 8 because the first 4 channels were stripped from the data stream.
Anyway thats how the DD controllers worked so this may be the same way the DM controllers work
There's only a single D+ and a single D- so there can be no channel stripping - they'll behave like normal DMX boards and will need individual addresses.
adski said:
There's only a single D+ and a single D- so there can be no channel stripping - they'll behave like normal DMX boards and will need individual addresses.

Im wondering what model of the DM controller he is using as the one i found on Rays site has a DMX in and a DMX out

Im not sure if the DM series behaves the same as the DD series, but worth mentioning just in case.
Fasteddy said:
adski said:
There's only a single D+ and a single D- so there can be no channel stripping - they'll behave like normal DMX boards and will need individual addresses.

Im wondering what model of the DM controller he is using as the one i found on Rays site has a DMX in and a DMX out

Im not sure if the DM series behaves the same as the DD series, but worth mentioning just in case.

I found the DM101 controller and it appears to have a DMX in and a DMX out
Yeah, and you brought up a big question mark with that! Apparently they have a new version of dm-101. The old version has only *one* set of d+ and d- (this is the one i have). But according to the tiny bit of info i got from a seller, there is a new version that has a set of d+ and d- on each side of the board.

Aside from that, the only difference *seems* to be a slightly different size/shape. Have been slowly designing these fixtures for about a year, so don't know if they'll even fit in what i designed- maybe i'll have to go back to scratch again unless i can find some of the old ones still for sale.

Anyway thanks for the info about assigning the addresses. I was sure i read that people were using them to cascade. But the dm-101 has a Pin and Pout solder pad, i wonder if you're supposed to use them somehow? (the new version of dm-101 apparently doesn't have Pin or Pout).

The manufacturer has ignored emails, none of the sellers seem to have experience working with them, and it comes with no instructions other than very basic ones on some sellers' page, which never even shows how to hook the dm-160 up, so i just assumed i was supposed to use dmx.
Here is a link to a thread where someone mentioned they cascade by having them hooked the same way i do. They're talking about a dm-103, i'm using a dm-101, but they're the same series and the dm-160 is listed on the mfg page as one of the compatible devices.


"I just go a couple of the DM-103 controllers from Ray: [/size] "
"[/size]If you hook them up serially (dmx out on the first to the dmx in on the next), they "cascade" like Renard controllers in that you set the address for the first one"
I actually bought 20 of these last year and tried to cascade them as I was told this was possible, but ended up just programming each one individually as it ended up saving time and frustration.
Just remember that the channel number is actually the group, so 1 is 1 to 4, then 2 is 5 to 8 if they are the 4 channel ones.
tip... don't have more than 1 connected to the programmer at once like I did, It really does get frustrating then!
Hi, thanks for replying, maybe there was an earlier version that worked with cascading, i'll just plan on doing it that way then, at least it works that way.