RGB Pixel and Decoder Testing

Thats Right

The Yellow is a gnd and is joined to the white wire.

The connector is used as the data connection for the string.

The two flying leads are used to inject 5v to combat voltage drop in multiple strings.
I did get a reply from Ray...

Red: DC5V +
white: ground
blue: CLK
green: DAT

Thanks for the input guys.

fasteddy said:
clueless said:
I received my order of 120 nodes in the mail today. It looks as if they have changed the wiring a little bit. Adding a connector and another set or power leads. The one connector has a Blue, Green and Yellow wire on them then they have left the connector off two other leads which are Red and White. I can see why they would have done this. The only question I have is that the white wire looks like it is soldered to the same spot on the board as the Yellow wire. Which then would say the yellow wire was the ground instead of the blue? I will attach an image.

Others input would be appreciated



That looks odd, I dont have a set of these strings to compare but it doesnt look right. Do they work? If your having issues with them then talk to Ray, he is very responsive to these issues.
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