RGB strip onto conduit


I Have C.L.A.P and its very infectious
Global moderator
May 29, 2010
Over the last couple of weeks I have been constructing some window frames and roof outline for my display.
Last year i was just using Ropelight and multiple strings attached to dowel, that didn't last to long at all.
This year I've gone with RGB strip Mounted to conduit and as a sun protection and light diffusion measure I have also attached Coro Strips to cover and protect them a bit in hope of getting a few seasons out of them.


Main window. this is broken into 6 channels across the width of the window in order to achieve a basic colour sweep. left frame is 1. center has 4 ch and right is 1 channel. It will be controlled by 1 27ch controller


Bad photo, This is a roof gable section and is a piece of RGB strip from Ray Wu sandwiched between 25mm conduit and a strip of coro all held together with cable ties. The roof is broken up into 16 sections and will be controlled by a DC48 from David_AVD

I did the same last year with 25mm conduit, helps give those nice clean lines, easy to put up and remove and fairly cheap to buy.
Mike said:
Steve that looks nice and clean. Have you got any pics of it light up?

Hi mike haven't flicked it on at night yet. I hope to get it all on the roof this week and see how it looks.
im looking at doing it to my windows now lol

measured them up yesterday. Only need another 6 rolls of strip ::)
Highly recomend for windows. I'm having a little trouble securing the roof ones to the tiles at the moment. ive tried Cable ties holder with silicone to no avail.
Looks like i will be making some saddles out of metal strip to straddle the peak tiles.
I used to use plastic saddles siliconed to the roof tiles to attach my incandescent strings. The tiles need to be clean and dry before you apply the silicone of course.
ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓜⓐⓝ said:
Highly recomend for windows. I'm having a little trouble securing the roof ones to the tiles at the moment. ive tried Cable ties holder with silicone to no avail.
Looks like i will be making some saddles out of metal strip to straddle the peak tiles.

Strange you having issues with the roof ones, i used those last year with silicone attached to my roof tiles and they are still all there.

Did you ensure the surface of the tiles where you stuck the cable tie holder with silicone was cleaned before mounting it as that would stop the silicone from attching to the roof tile.
ɟɐsʇǝppʎ said:
ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓜⓐⓝ said:
Highly recomend for windows. I'm having a little trouble securing the roof ones to the tiles at the moment. ive tried Cable ties holder with silicone to no avail.
Looks like i will be making some saddles out of metal strip to straddle the peak tiles.

Strange you having issues with the roof ones, i used those last year with silicone attached to my roof tiles and they are still all there.

Did you ensure the surface of the tiles where you stuck the cable tie holder with silicone was cleaned before mounting it as that would stop the silicone from attching to the roof tile.

and another tip, you dont need to actually silicone the cable tie holder to the actual peak/ridge of the tile, just mount slightly back down the tile towards the the street way on a the flat surface. The height of both the conduit and cable tie holder will raise it up slightly anyway to be level with the ridge. Also have the conduit and strip slightly turned towrards the street for maximum light effect.
ɟɐsʇǝppʎ said:
Did you ensure the surface of the tiles where you stuck the cable tie holder with silicone was cleaned before mounting it as that would stop the silicone from attching to the roof tile.

I'll have to send the wife up to give it another go