G’day all
I would like some feedback before I spend my money.
I have read ACL of Dummies and gotten answers to some of my questions but I’m unsure about a few things so I guess I will ask my questions here
First my current setup is small and consists of 2 LOR 16 channel AC controllers and 4 CCR’s running on a LOR network with a LOR USB-485 dongle.
1. I would like to move to e1.31 and would like to purchase the ELOR http://www.sandevices.com/ELORinfo.html from my reading of the manual, it seem to indicate that J4 will also control one DMX universe. I would like to control 8 mini trees using the Ray 27 channel Easy DMX LED controller with 8 sets of the IP68 DC12V input 12mm through-hole LED http://www.aliexpress.com/product-fm/522236867-IP68-DC12V-input-12mm-through-hole-LED-channel-letter-RGB-color-100pcs-a-string-wholesalers.html
2. For the Mega tree, I would like use 16 RGB full LED pixel module (WS 2801 IC) http://www.aliexpress.com/fm-store/701799/209889132-521371851/RGB-full-LED-pixel-module-WS-2801-IC-DC5V-input-50pcs-a-string.html as 100ct with a PixAd8 controller.
3. I would also like to get a few 3 channel DMX controllers that I would daisy chain off the RAY 27 PixAd8 channel for floodlight and “coro stars”.
4. Does this sound right am I missing anything?
Thank you for taking the time in reading my post.
I would like some feedback before I spend my money.
I have read ACL of Dummies and gotten answers to some of my questions but I’m unsure about a few things so I guess I will ask my questions here
First my current setup is small and consists of 2 LOR 16 channel AC controllers and 4 CCR’s running on a LOR network with a LOR USB-485 dongle.
1. I would like to move to e1.31 and would like to purchase the ELOR http://www.sandevices.com/ELORinfo.html from my reading of the manual, it seem to indicate that J4 will also control one DMX universe. I would like to control 8 mini trees using the Ray 27 channel Easy DMX LED controller with 8 sets of the IP68 DC12V input 12mm through-hole LED http://www.aliexpress.com/product-fm/522236867-IP68-DC12V-input-12mm-through-hole-LED-channel-letter-RGB-color-100pcs-a-string-wholesalers.html
2. For the Mega tree, I would like use 16 RGB full LED pixel module (WS 2801 IC) http://www.aliexpress.com/fm-store/701799/209889132-521371851/RGB-full-LED-pixel-module-WS-2801-IC-DC5V-input-50pcs-a-string.html as 100ct with a PixAd8 controller.
3. I would also like to get a few 3 channel DMX controllers that I would daisy chain off the RAY 27 PixAd8 channel for floodlight and “coro stars”.
4. Does this sound right am I missing anything?
Thank you for taking the time in reading my post.