Sanity check please


Full time elf
Jan 3, 2011
G’day all
I would like some feedback before I spend my money.
I have read ACL of Dummies and gotten answers to some of my questions but I’m unsure about a few things so I guess I will ask my questions here
First my current setup is small and consists of 2 LOR 16 channel AC controllers and 4 CCR’s running on a LOR network with a LOR USB-485 dongle.
1. I would like to move to e1.31 and would like to purchase the ELOR from my reading of the manual, it seem to indicate that J4 will also control one DMX universe. I would like to control 8 mini trees using the Ray 27 channel Easy DMX LED controller with 8 sets of the IP68 DC12V input 12mm through-hole LED
2. For the Mega tree, I would like use 16 RGB full LED pixel module (WS 2801 IC) as 100ct with a PixAd8 controller.
3. I would also like to get a few 3 channel DMX controllers that I would daisy chain off the RAY 27 PixAd8 channel for floodlight and “coro stars”.
4. Does this sound right am I missing anything?
Thank you for taking the time in reading my post.
Im a bit confused about this comment

3. I would also like to get a few 3 channel DMX controllers that I would daisy chain off the RAY 27 PixAd8 channel for floodlight and “coro stars”.

Rays 27 channel and the 3 channel DMX are just that DMX, the PIXAD8 is a E1.31 pixel controller and dont /cant connect together, you may be instead thinking about the ECG-DR4
Eddy that why I need a check. I was looking at getting the ELOR but have been advise to wait on that. If was my understanding the ELOR could control one standard DMX universe from J4.

Can I run the LOR on its own network, get a entec dongle for the DMX (keeping that separate) and hopefully LOR S-3 will have E1.31 support and run from the LAN cable. Thus keeping all three networks separate? or am I getting this all wrong?
Yes you can run 2 seperate networks in LOR to my knowledge. The LOR dongle can also act as an open DMX dongle so all you need is to grab another LOR dongle for your DMX.

You may want to actually look at just running all your LOR gear in DMX, this is what i have done, all my LOR controllers run in native DMX mode. This way you wont need a DMX dongle, just use the LOR dongle you already have for DMX and then just connect up all the boards ensuring that you use an adaptor between any LOR controllers/dongles and any DMX controllers.

Then you can either get a second LOR dongle and use the ELOR or wait for LOR to release native E1.31

The ELOR will also output DMX if you go down that path so you could just use the ELOR with 1 LOR network and then drive everything from that

So there are a few options here

More info on running LOR controllers in DMX can be found here,1139.0.html
I think the only issue with running LOR controllers in DMX mode is the the twinkle effects are not quite the same as native LOR mode?
David_AVD said:
I think the only issue with running LOR controllers in DMX mode is the the twinkle effects are not quite the same as native LOR mode?

Correct you dont get the hardware support of twinkle and shimmer, no great loss if its not important