Over the past few years, I've had thoughts about a scripting engine that could run in a microcontroller. You could download basic sequences to the board and it would control some local outputs, or perhaps spit out a DMX stream to feed external DMX controllers.
I've heard that one of the LOR boards does something like this. I would imagine that the details of how it's done is not exactly public.
The other way is a DMX recorder / player, but I was thinking that scripting may be better as you could make a simple text file. It would also consume a lot less memory than a DMX stream I'd think.
I think we talked in chat a couple of times about SD cards and stand alone controllers. Anyway, I thought I'd bring the topic up again and see where it leads.
I've heard that one of the LOR boards does something like this. I would imagine that the details of how it's done is not exactly public.
The other way is a DMX recorder / player, but I was thinking that scripting may be better as you could make a simple text file. It would also consume a lot less memory than a DMX stream I'd think.
I think we talked in chat a couple of times about SD cards and stand alone controllers. Anyway, I thought I'd bring the topic up again and see where it leads.