Setting up a Kulp with DMX moving heads


150k of Pixels for 2023
Oct 8, 2019
Hi All

I just playing around with a Kulp board (K8-B) and im trying to get the DMX port to work. Im reading the manual and checking the forums but there is little info around.

I have the DMX plugged into port 1 of the DMX and I have tried a number of things but its not sending out DMX data. Also with the Output Config what does the tty00 and ttys1 mean ?

on board DMX. I got working on the falcon very easy but the Kulp isnt as easy
Looking at page 28 of the manual suggests that you need to set DMX for those ports up in the BBB Strings section. Down the bottom there is a Serial Mode dropdown where you can select DMX.
i use a holiday coro dmx dongle tried using dmx out on falcon but keept losing siginal so i went back to dongle actually i run all my dmx stuff off 2 dongles 8x 130w par cans 15 mini cans /smoke machine and 2 230w moving heads
i use a holiday coro dmx dongle tried using dmx out on falcon but keept losing siginal so i went back to dongle actually i run all my dmx stuff off 2 dongles 8x 130w par cans 15 mini cans /smoke machine and 2 230w moving heads
I didnt have any problems with losing signal on the falcon when I used it. All good there
im not sure why it happened icould run 2 cans after that it was game over so thats why i use dongle for my dmx and tring to get moving heads where you want them what a pain that is im glad only have 2 of them was going to get 6 but no way it would be gould if you could daiy chain a effect with dmx but couldnt see any option all has to be done manually and i save some presets which was another problem
I think its a problem with the software maybe. The K8-B is the controller I have but as you can see its the only one or is kind in the list. The others have serial options

Not familiar with K* or FPP, but have you tried using the Serial port option? The DMX port is sometimes referred to as the Serial port.
Thats the Problem @OzAz it looking like there is no option for the K8-B boards. Unlike the other boards
Fixed. I had to change it to a different model of board the F8-B (4 serial) fixed it. Im guessing they need to update the K8-B with a serial output in the list
Can anyone run me through the setup on a K8-B using the ttys port. As far as xlights settings and fpp
Can anyone run me through the setup on a K8-B using the ttys port. As far as xlights settings and fpp
I've just done this, used dupont connectors to ttyS1. + to pin 3 of XLR, - to pin 2 and G to pin 1.

As far as xlights, best video I've found is this one. Won't embed but the link is underneath

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