Sincronizing music with sequences


New elf
Dec 19, 2012
Ive downloaded a squence, then i had to go somewhere else to download the music, now i can't get the sequence to sincronize with the music?
Is their a site or video tutorial that we can view that would help us understand and help show us how we can get our sequence to run in time with the music.
We did purchase a LOR sequence but can't get that to work due to not having the LOR Controller, it seems to have a lock on it??? Cannot change the channel settings it is locked in LOR controller.
If anyone can help us with any knowledge it would be greatly appreciated.
I'm not much help with the LOR part of things however the stiming issue will relate to the song length the music piece that the sequence was don on may have a slightly shorter or long lead time you may have to edit the song and chop the front of it a bit
Getting the exact music file to match the sequence is sometimes an issue. There are thousands of sequences available that include the source music so you can get the timing right when you buy a legal copy of the music :)

There's lots of sequences at
The 1st post there has a bunch of sequences and the edited music to suit is included.

tweetygirl22 said:
Ive downloaded a squence, then i had to go somewhere else to download the music, now i can't get the sequence to sincronize with the music?
Is their a site or video tutorial that we can view that would help us understand and help show us how we can get our sequence to run in time with the music.
We did purchase a LOR sequence but can't get that to work due to not having the LOR Controller, it seems to have a lock on it??? Cannot change the channel settings it is locked in LOR controller.
If anyone can help us with any knowledge it would be greatly appreciated.
I think the OP's issue is converting from a LOR controller to a DMX controller. I've not used a LOR controller in a sequence so not sure what's involved.

Maybe they just need to set up the DMX output in Network Preferences, delete any LOR outputs then edit the sequence channels to point to the correct (DMX) channels?
Thanks AAH for the link to the website for the sequences and music it's been great.
Dale & Paul
David_AVD said:
I think the OP's issue is converting from a LOR controller to a DMX controller. I've not used a LOR controller in a sequence so not sure what's involved.

Maybe they just need to set up the DMX output in Network Preferences, delete any LOR outputs then edit the sequence channels to point to the correct (DMX) channels?

What I have done is saved a previous chanel list. Checked out the timming of the downloaded sequence. Opened a new sequence, import music file, import saved chanel file, then just copy from the downloaded sequence and paste into the new sequence to the new sequence. Have used this method twice, it saves a lot of time.