single RGB Strip DMX controller


Full time elf
Jun 26, 2010
Baulkham Hills
In order to replace the house outline with RGB strips, I need the ability to control individual strips.
Sooooo I came up with the following solution:

full details will be updated here:
I like the looks of those would save a lot of wasted CH. on controllers. I have 42 wasted Ch because the amps are pushing the limit of the controllers. Will these be an item that will be for sale????

Thanks Mike
Have you got power running through the cat5? and I cant see how you would adress these...can you provide more info? oh and as last poster...are they available for purchase?

Not sure if I may need something like this as my load imits are not being pushed at the moment as I have 3 strips on 1 27 channel board from ray taking up all the channels as i split the strip up into segments to give a semi digital look
Start address is set by sending the required address in channel 1&2 from vixen. You then push down the push button and power up the controller. All 3 channels turn on to indicate the address is programmed. You then remove power and off you go.

Once I run in the oven for a whiles I then then see how many I have for sale.
Oh, I'd prolly buy a bunch of these if they were available. Also like the idea of your 8 channel controller if you plan on making that available for sale :)
