Small Tree Ideas

Not sure I follow exactly. No need to take a wire from the top back to the bottom on each string. Data and power will flow bottom to top, then top to bottom, etc.

Ok, I think I follow, what had me concerned was looking at the wiring diagram, I thought that when I got to the top, I had to bring it back down to 1 at the bottom.


  • treewiring.jpg
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its the 1200 gal pipe from bunnings with threaded ends 15mm (1/2")
Sweet. I have heaps of that lying around. The mega tree frame I bought was made out of that. I feel a project coming along! :)
What's everyone's thoughts on pixel count? My current trees are 80 pixels (the coro ones).
My tree is small compared to some, 9 strips, 30 lights per strip, total of 270 lights.

I also learned that I need to get the correct 3/4 pipe. Lol. Not all 3/4 is the same.
Pretty sure what I got was 3/4 pipe not the conduit. It’s just a hair thicker, and had to drill out the topper just a little.
No worries though, I’ve learned for the next one. Lol
I have to admit, looking at this is making me rethink my plans for a first show. I have been planning on using existing real trees as supports for 6' tall trees. But using these between the trees and set further back might look better. The real trees are <3M from the sidewalk, pretty close. I can get another 1/1.5M back. Dang, now I have to mock up two solutions....

It would be handy to be able to build & test before setting them up - another plus.
I have to admit, looking at this is making me rethink my plans for a first show. I have been planning on using existing real trees as supports for 6' tall trees. But using these between the trees and set further back might look better. The real trees are <3M from the sidewalk, pretty close. I can get another 1/1.5M back. Dang, now I have to mock up two solutions....

It would be handy to be able to build & test before setting them up - another plus.
I had a fun time making mine. I will only be able to do a single one this year. Will most likely add another one or two next year. But for this being my first year, I have 250ish lights in this, and another 250ish in the singing tree. A little more than I wanted to get into for my first time. But hey, this stuff is pretty damn neat. It was pretty awesome making this tree light up and dance the first time!!
I made a quick and nasty test one off that pic Dan posted, in chat a few weeks back
(granted nothing is straight/proper hooks or anythign it was just a quick test throw together to make sure it would work


Have you fired it up yet? Any chance I could get abit of a demo running some faces and pictures?
I'm looking for the best small sized tree that is capable of running images