SMART RGB - Addressing


Full time elf
Sep 24, 2012
I have been cutting RGB strips for my windows and I have about 10 sections left over per window. If I use those sections then are they addressed as the last pixels of the string or if I am using them as the first pixels of a new window then they can start over as pixel 1? Or I set all this up on the P2 controller? I only tested one string so I am almost done soldering and setting up all my windows so I can test and hopefully have my display up this weekend.
Data for pixels is cascading, which means the pixel nearest the controller is always first. The first pixel strips the info for pixel 1 from the data stream and sends the rest of the data along. In this way every pixel along the string takes the first 3 channels (rgb) of data and sends the rest along. The last pixel has no data left to send after it's info.

So you can cut and solder at will where ever you like, the pixel order for the data is always nearest to last
OK so if I have a string defined with too many pixels then it will bleed into my second window, right ?
I am not really following that... You set up the controllers with the number of pixels on each output, depending on the number of pixels, length of runs, and controller capabilities, each window may be on a seperate output or you may have more than 1 window on a single output.
i believe that is correct, tell us how you were thinking of wiring everything up, (how many pixels, where ... and we can offer some opinion or advice for your set-up
Thats what I am stressing real written plan just how i think it will be in my head lol...I was hoping Ray Wu 350W power supply will be enough to run most of my windows and I bought a bunch of "T" power splitters and pigtails so I would run power and data through the same wire. How much power does the 2811 strips draw?
Basically I have 9 windows and two rooflines then I have a LOR controller to control some mini trees the old shool way cause I didnt have enough RGB strings.
I also have a EDM radio transmitter that I already tested and think I found a good frequency. I also need to create a show to play my frequencies....alot to do and hopefully I can knock it out by this weekend.
Wow, that is a lot to do in a few days. I think you need to grab a pencil, sit down and sketch out what you want, and list out what you need to do to accomplish each part of your plan. Once you have a plan it will be easier to sort out exactly what you need.
Some of the questions you need to answer in your plan include:

Dimensions of window(s) and strip needed?
How are you mounting your strip?
How will they be wired together?
Location and mounting of controllers and power supplies?
Length of rooflines and strip needed?
Total amount of power draw, overall and sections?

The power requirements of the strip vary from strip to strip, and the size/length of wire that is feeding the strip will also affect the amount of power injection points and requirements.

You need a plan first so you can set achievable goals or you will just find that you are wasting your time. I assume you have already read the acl101 manual, it lays out some of the basics.
I will be finishing the windows tonight...I cut 1/2" pvc as a frame and will zip tie them...I soldered 6 windows so far and only have 3 left...I have the measurements of the rooflines and that should be fairly straigh forward. The biggest thing is like you said the power draw and the wiring. I have a J1Sys P2 so the first 4 dmx universes all need to share the same data line?
I think I have an idea of where i will put the power supply. Is it best to put it at the shortest run? I did read the acl manual a few weeks ago but i need a refresher much power does the 2811 strips use so i can calc my power?
Strip power requirements vary from strip to strip, If it is 2811 strip with 10 IC's and 30 LED's per meter you are safe figuring about 8 to 10 watts per meter.
You need to know wire gauge and length to calculate voltage drop from power supply to load.
yes it ray wu WS2811IC strips....I have to count but I think each window has 20 ICs. gauge wire i still jhave to buy and I see 4 core security wire is what most people use? I may use thicker gauge just because it will help with the voltage drop? Anything to get the setup running smooth.
So if its 10W per meter and each window is about 12linear feet or 3.75 meters * 9 windows = 337.5 total watts? Ray Wu is 350 W supply so in theory the power supply can run all 9 windows?
OK, in theory that supply may run all the window outlines but in reality by the time you get all the wire etc. in place you will most likely be over the output of one supply.
If each window is 3.75 meters then there should be about 38 IC's on each frame. These IC's are the same as your pixel count for the controller. So 9x38 =342 or just over 2 universes which could be run from one output on the P2.
ok i will count pixels tonight after all the windows are soldered and put together. So Im hoping i can run each output on the P2 on its seperate power supply which would be ideal? I knew I should have ordered another supply..all I have is a 5v one.
So if i am using the P2 and I have the first 4 dmx universes running out of output 1 then the data cable has to be ran in series to each of the led strips in order so they know what data to grab to turn on/off? So if I have to split up the power then I can splice the power but the data cable has to run from one strip to another? I bought a bunch of pigtails but how would that work if I am not sharing the same power?
If you are using the same power supply you can just splice in.
If you are using different power supplies than the grounds must still be connected together. The positive lines need to be separate. they need to be isolated.