SmartAlec's on line store - names please

I like how the hot line is available 24/7. I know i would not like being called at 1am. lol and also the phone number is incorrect. the +61 should replace the 0 in the front of a mobile number.
kane - if i put a picture of my face there people's monitors will
joekin - im normaly up late, but i was only wanting aussie buyers (due to postage) thats why the mobile is how it is

all great points, looks like i'll be spending some time on the sites this weekend

keep up the great helpfull comments.. :D

may be TD can add back more info ;)
Now this has not gone at all in the direction I was hoping...he really has a store and Peterborough is sort of like lights that work.

Now I am expecting commission and will be forwarding my invoice for marketing and promotional activities....
Unfortunately it will not let me quote his first post because it is too far back... but...!

Alec - You claim to be marketing to "non-led" people!??? Ok, if that were the case, wouldn't your product line reflect that? You list no controllers. How are "non-led" people supposed to get your OTHER products working? How about power supplies?

I actually looked at your site. Outside of your electronic parts (some of which I am really not sure how they would apply to leds) you only have a qty of 1 on 1 items. ALL other items show out of stock!
You may also want to define your terms and conditions because those dictate a legal binding sale between parties. Without it, I can order 100 strips and then dispute the quality/condition with my credit card company and do a chargeback. Hmmm... I do need some strips....
In anticipation I have asked Brother Tuppet to prepare a supporting facebook site .... saved time by not including the LIKE option ..