So I'm Convinced on RGB Now What?

Feb 17, 2012
Tallahassee, Florida
I have a 20' mega tree that i need 29 to 30' strings for I want to go RGB what lights do I buy? What controller do I need to work with mr Renard SS24's I realize I will have to reflash my chips and I have watched all four videos but I still need some direction here, going to RayWu dosen't help if you dont know what to buy
The first question is whether you want "dumb" RGB strings (whole string the same colour) or pixel RGB strings (each pixel can be different colour).
Due to my limited knowledge let's assume pixel rgb as i can make pixel rgb dumb however i can not make dumb into controllable RGB. If i'm going to fall in love with something I don't want regrets later. So if budget is considered and I buy dumb now and change to pixels later I have to either work dumb into my display or sell and try to recoup, and than I have spent money for dumb plus pixels. Is this logical thinking?
Not long now until the ACL manual is completed and then i hope most of your questions can be answerd because this manual is aimed at people like you who find it difficult to see through the fog. So i hope it worth your wait
You'll need:

Pixel strings (2801 or 6803, most seem to recommend the 2801)
Pixel Controller (Pixad as example)
DC Power Supplies
A good sized budget
I am waiting with baited breath, I have a decent budget but want to spend it wisely!!

ɟɐsʇǝppʎ said:
Not long now until the ACL manual is completed and then i hope most of your questions can be answerd because this manual is aimed at people like you who find it difficult to see through the fog. So i hope it worth your wait