Soldering RGB Strip

Thanks for putting that together alec, I wonder if Ryan will get any benifit from that :D

It really isnt that hard to solder, the main thing is the prep work by applying solder to the pads and wire first, then it just goes right on easy as shown in the video
I am by no means an expert, but from all the videos I have seen they recommend you heat the pad/wire and let the solder melt directly on it rather than melting the solder on the iron and letting it flow on to the pad/wire.

EDIT: I re-read post and it may have come across rude, which I didn't mean, I am eternally grateful for everyone’s help including smartalec's :)
Correct, the soldering iron tip, wire (or PCB pad) and the solder should form a three way junction.

Adding solder to the tip and carrying it to the joint means the flux (inside the solder) could be long gone before it should be.
actually, i watched quite a few youtube vids, and Alec sort of made this for my benefit. it actually helped me alot. I was having issues tinning the solder pads, now after some adjustment to my solder tip and technique, i can happily say i have acheived what i needed to acheive, which was join strip to strip easily. Furthermore, yes, heating the pads was the way I changed my technique to.

Cheers Alec