Sound card issue


Senior elf
Jun 17, 2012
Karaka, Auckland, NZ
I have 2 soundcards in my PC, one with PC speakers hooked up (onboard mobo speakers) that I want to play normal PC sounds on, the other is a Genius PCI soundcard. They both work fine.

I want LOR to play on the Genius soundcard (hooked to amplifier/outdoor speakers) but all PC sounds e.g firefox/utube etc etc to continue to go to my PC speakers.

I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do this. The only way I can do it is to switch default device every night in Control Panel/Audio devices. Really dont wanna do that. Or I can view the 2 devices from volume icon bottom right of screen and mute there too, but again, that would have to be done manually.

Any ideas?
Just had a quick look myself and it doesn't look promising.

My guess is that LOR plays through your default Windows audio device, whatever that is, along with everything else......

I'll keep looking though....

The same issue is there with LSP - there was a feature request submitted last year to allow a choice of output devices - hopefully it'll get added in there at some point.

Basically, you're stuck until the software is updated to give you a selection..

It's actually a pretty straightforward feature to add - I've got an app I wrote for multi-zone audio, and I needed to send audio to one of 4 different audio devices..

You could probably find a command that you could run in a batch file (or via vbscript) that would change the default sound device for you - and schedule this to run at 8pm each night ready for the show, and then reverse it afterwards - could be a workaround..
eek, that sounds complicated.

So other than the vbscript OR switching default device each night Im stuck? I may as well have kept to onboard sound device and just mute sound for 22hrs a day :-\

Thanks everyone :)
ShellNZ said:
eek, that sounds complicated.

So other than the vbscript OR switching default device each night Im stuck? I may as well have kept to onboard sound device and just mute sound for 22hrs a day :-\

Thanks everyone :)
Although not for beginners, another potential solution would be to setup a virtual machine, and have your sequencing software run within this virtual machine. I'm pretty sure vmware and other virtualisation software allow you to specify which output sound device to use for each virtual machine...
Kane said:
ShellNZ said:
eek, that sounds complicated.

So other than the vbscript OR switching default device each night Im stuck? I may as well have kept to onboard sound device and just mute sound for 22hrs a day :-\

Thanks everyone :)
Although not for beginners, another potential solution would be to setup a virtual machine, and have your sequencing software run within this virtual machine. I'm pretty sure vmware and other virtualisation software allow you to specify which output sound device to use for each virtual machine...

I'm pretty sure it would also, but then you also have to map USB ports and set up networking.......

Would there be a performance hit also?

I am probably wrong, but I thought LOR used windows media player to play the audio.

You could try setting windows media player to the other audio adapter, you may be lucky.

Nevermind I tested it and this is not the case.
Kaden said:
I am probably wrong, but I thought LOR used windows media player to play the audio.

You could try setting windows media player to the other audio adapter, you may be lucky.

Interesting idea - if it's just hooking into the WMP libraries and stuff it may be the case....

I just had a look at Tools->Options->Devices-tab and I can choose which audio device to use.....which in my case is "default audio" or my audio device (ie both the same as I have one audio device in my laptop).

The help is particularly unhelpful:
Speaker settings in Windows Media Player Use the Speaker Properties dialog box in Windows Media Player to select the audio device you want to use and change speaker settings.
  1. Click the Start button, click All Programs, and then click Windows Media Player.
  2. If the Player is currently open and you’re in Now Playing mode, click the Switch to Library button in the upper-right corner of the Player.
  3. In the Player Library, click Organize, and then click Options.
  4. Click the Devices tab, click Speakers, and then click Properties.
  5. Select the options you want, and then click OK.

In other words - this is how to get to and change settings on the page that you got to to see this help text, but we're not going to tell u *why* you would want to do this.......

Shell? Want to try this out?

Kaden said:
I am probably wrong, but I thought LOR used windows media player to play the audio.

You could try setting windows media player to the other audio adapter, you may be lucky.

Nevermind I tested it and this is not the case.
My solution was....which will solve one or two other probs as well....

Use a diff machine for LOR lol.

Having a backup PC was always on the plans, Ive backed up everything to laptop but its not powerful enough so using a spare machine now.

Thanks so much guys for trying to help me solve this one....I did for an hour yesterday try the visualbasic way, gave up. Googled the crap out of it etc etc but it truly looks like LOR will only use the default audio device. I cant be bothered switching every night (or muting), I know I'll forget and at midnight one of the nights someones gonna get blasted with the mixture of noises my PC makes (e.g Chubby checker saying "Hellooooo baby" in my IRC room, and "Youve got mail baby yeahhhh" by Austin Powers when I get an email lol.