straight from the horses mouth


I love blinky lights :)
Community project designer
Dec 27, 2010
Confirmed Vixen user and sometime LSP experimenter Aussiephil finally saw the light today and installed LOR. The following is directly from chat

(11:30:12) AussiePhil: LOR is cool, easy to use and should be first choice for new users
Does that mean phil will run his show in LOR? LOL. No it was not revenge, it must be one of the LOR users with their agenda :eek:

Really though LOR is great for entry level but is not a good option if you are going down the DIY path as LOR software is not very flexible with High channel pixel counts.

The reality is that it doesnt matter which software you use as long as it meets your needs because its a lot harder to change software and learn a new sequencing software package compared to starting fresh.
phil said lor is much like vixen so it must have been him. still not sold on lsp with seeing it crashing all the time :D
phil said lor is much like vixen so it must have been him. still not sold on lsp with seeing it crashing all the time :D

Amen on the "crash all the time"! :'(
I just cannot bring myself to spending the money on the newer version after all the trouble with the first one. I could not get it to run on 4 different computers without being insanely slow and/or crashing.
Guess my only venue is too go wtih Vixen for the DIY route since Matrix would require me to sell my house to buy the program and then I wouldn't have anywhere to put lights anyway! ::)
Although I do read that the new version of LSP is "supposed" to be quite good and I see that a lot of folks are using it for pixel sequencing.
So what does the DIY community consider the best "average" program out there for using? I presently use LOR S2 version 2.9.4 and am not so sure about upgrading to S3 at this point since S2 works fine for me with the LED strings that I use now and my next step up if you will is going to be to incorporate dumb LED strips for my windows which I can use the LOR CMB-16 for for this year or maybe someting else.
Then next year I want to get into intelligent pixel strips for the house and maybe my mega tree so that will be the big change point for software for me (I think).
phil said lor is much like vixen so it must have been him. still not sold on lsp with seeing it crashing all the time :D

Ben i must say that it was not a good demo as i hadnt used LSP since just before Christmas and i was using it on another computer that may have had codec issues. If i had used my own computer and had played a bit with LSP to refreshen myself im sure you would have been more impressed. I have had none of those issues on my computer and there wasnt in fact a crash, just some weired behaviours.

Even with LSPs weird behaviours, i still believe there is nothing out there as complete and flexible as LSP, You can use something else if it fits in with what you are doing but im sure if your trying to do the things that I and a few others are doing then you would see there is not much option here at the moment except for LSP.
Whilst, I agree in the main, with the above comments, eddy, I am now a tad concerned that as a beta tester for LSP, you have not " ... used LSP since just before Christmas ..." :eek:
kel said:
Whilst, I agree in the main, with the above comments, eddy, I am now a tad concerned that as a beta tester for LSP, you have not " ... used LSP since just before Christmas ..." :eek:

Thats because we are waiting for a new release ;) , and I have been very busy doing other things for the community whilst balancing family and work. We all need a break from sequencing at some stage, heck i havent even touched anything in my display either. but ill be back into it when the new release comes out, the itch is starting to grow. :D
from what i herd the programmer for the orginal vixen (kc) got hired to do LOR
but that is what i have herd an could be total BS..

but vixen an lor look an act so much the same.. so why do people got lor when vixen in free
no trouble at all eddy i agree with you that i need to sit down and have a look at it more. i was just having a dig as it was to good to pass up. just a shame i could not get down earlier but that is what happens when work gets in the road.
smartalec said:
...but vixen an lor look an act so much the same.. so why do people got lor when vixen in free

Having used both now, I think LOR is easier for new people to set up and get running. That and the inbuilt hardware utility for LOR products is a very strong selling point. The cost of the software is still small in the overall scale of most people's displays.
David_AVD said:
The cost of the software is still small in the overall scale of most people's displays.
Agree. Other than upgrades it's a one time cost. Nothing next to the time and money I have put into the lights, wires, etc.