Superstar sequencer question?


Apprentice elf
Dec 5, 2012
I'm new to the lighting craze. What a wonderful community of enthusiast.

My question is this, I'm in the planning stage of building a DIY CCR tree,6 strip WS2811. I've got a Lynx Express V4. Still gotta get the rest of the pieces. The LE is limited to 128 pixels per SSC and a CCR has 150. If I purchase the LOR S3 whith the superstar Sequencer, can I adjust the pixels count in sequencer to compensate for the LE not putting out 150 pixels?
To be honest, I'm not sure if anyone on ACL will have any experience with the DIYLA stuff. We tend to use the J1SYS controllers for pixels.
I figured maybe someone would know if the pixels could be adjusted in the sequencer.
To my knowledge (this may have changed) that superstar is bound by either a full CCR of 50 pixels or a 1/2 CCR at 25 pixels. Other size configurations are not supported. If this hasnt changed then i believe that this may be fixed/improved in 2013.
Hi Robert
I have used SS for my sequencing this year and afraid that right now it is as Eddy says, 25 or 50 pixels. for my candy canes I used 25 pixels and lnly worked the 8 I required.