Toooooooooo much stuff!

[me=AAH]gets down on his knees and says pppppwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssseeeeeeeee[/me]
I would love to see pictures or video of the display lit up. Failing that, pictures of some of the goodies that have been mentioned in chat. Inflatables, merry go rounds. All sorts of stuff that I've heard of but not seen :(
Gee, I think that I can oblige ... just need a bit of time to dl some stuff from facebook and collect a bit of vid from daughter + gather vids/pics from townies
1st bump on this thread for this month.
Are the bumps going to exceed the "1st" topic?
Maybe when you get to a certain age the "I've showed you mine, you show me your lights" doesn't apply.
or maybe she has forgotten how to post pictures??? not that i have seen any pictures from Kel ever
or maybe she has forgotten how to post pictures??? not that i have seen any pictures from Kel ever

Probably uses a Mac!