Totally Stuck

Data comes out of the side of the board with the WS-2811 8-pin chip and goes in the other side. Looking at the picture you posted I think you can see the chip well enough so I marked the data direction in blue

The setup looks correct with 1 BIG exception. No real issue running off a usb adaptor when you're doing your testing.
The BIG exception is that the IP is a public IP that may be in Columbia. The usual IP ranges used are 192.x.x.x and 10.x.x.x and you should be using 1 that is in the IP range of your home network.
If that FPP setup doesn't allow the display testing within FPP to run the pixels my first guess would be that the pixels potentially have the data direction wrong. Check that the output of the rpi-28D+ is definitely going to the Di pins on the pixels. A fairly simple test to confirm data direction is to disconnect the data pin and tap the wire with your finger. The stray voltage that your finger will pass through should be enough to put some "data" into the pixels.
The Xlights setup won't allow testing or running the lights until the IP of the rpi-28D+ is in the right range for your home network.
Thanks Alan, I will check the data direction as I had just assumed that the end with the loose wires was the data in side.
Good pickup in the IP, that was supposed to be a 172.16…
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